Viewing volume performance

KDPGVOL displays and overview of the performance of volume that contain Db2 objects. With this information you can evaluate DASD performance by volume.

Navigating to KDPGVOL

All Active Db2 Data Sharing Groups → Q Group Object Analysis Volume Group Statistics

Select the corresponding tab to navigate to:
A high-level analysis of getpage and I/O activity from a Db2 database perspective. See Viewing object analysis database activity.
A global view of object allocation data for a specific data sharing group. See Viewing group object allocation data.
Object Analysis database use by thread for a data sharing group. See Viewing object analysis database threads.
An overview of the performance of the volumes that contain Db2 objects. See Viewing volume performance.
The volume activity by thread workspace. See Viewing volume threads.

Zoom-in from KDPGVOL

S. Group Object Analysis Volume Database (KDPGVDB)
Displays information you can use to analyze I/O activity for a single volume in a Db2 database. Based on the information that this workspace provides, you can recommend changes, set up situations, and verify that your recommended changes improve system performance.

Zoom-in from KDPGVDB

S. Group Object Analysis Volume Database (KDPGVDB)
Displays information you can use to analyze I/O activity for a single volume in a Db2 database. Based on the information that this workspace provides, you can recommend changes, set up situations, and verify that your recommended changes improve system performance.
H History
Near-term History provides the capability to investigate problems that occurred in the recent past.