KD2_DBnn_PWH - Performance Warehouse

The KD2_DBnn_PWH parameters control the Performance Warehouse behavior in your environment.

During the customization you must determine the affected Db2 subsystems and Performance Warehouse options to be used by SQL PA.

The Performance Warehouse (PWH) provides an infrastructure at the OMEGAMON Server and at the workstation to automate performance analysis tasks. It introduces the concept of processes which represent single or recurring tasks such as loading DB2 data into the Performance Warehouse or generating reports. The definition of processes and analysis tasks can be performed at the workstation using the Performance Warehouse user interface (launched from the Performance Expert client).

The Performance Warehouse consists of Db2 tables to save the accounting and statistics performance counters which are the most relevant counters for analyzing performance problems. The tables are nearly identical to the tables in the Performance Database. It also consists of Db2 tables used by internal services. The Performance Warehouse provides a server component that automatically creates and maintains the Db2 tables.

When an SQL performance analysis is requested, the OMEGAMON Collector silently submits a batch job that captures the analysis data and puts it into appropriate Performance Warehouse tables, from where it is retrieved and reassembled and presented as an SQL PA report.