Enabling options in OMEGAMON for Db2 PE Collector Realtime Customer Options (OMPEOPTS)
You can enable options in OMEGAMON for Db2 PE Collector Realtime Customer Options to override default settings.
About this task
These options are not exposed as official configuration parameters and are not validated by configuration method parameter validation routines. Nevertheless, invalid options you set will be rejected by the OMEGAMON Collector at startup.
The OMPEOPTS Realtime Customer options are provided in the WCONFIG(KD2$POP1) member for PARMGEN and the EMBEDS(KD2$POP1) member for Configuration Manager. Make changes to options in this override member so that changes persist across Configuration Manager GENERATE runs or PARMGEN $PARSE executions. Making the changes directly in the RKD2PAR(OMPEOPTS) member is not recommened as the member will be overriden when the runtime members are regenerated.
When BATSQLID=YES is added to RKD2PAR(OMPEOPTS), statements using unqualified DB2® objects (tables) can be explained using the SQLPA interface in both the Classic interface and the Enhanced 3270 user interface.
The XCFMODE option specifies how the coupling facility component of the OMEGAMON for Db2 PE Collector subsystem is initialized at OMEGAMON for Db2 PE Collectorinitialization time. The default is XCFMODE=ACTIVE, which causes the coupling facility component of the OMEGAMON for Db2 PE to initialize in active mode. You can disable this option by specifying XCFMODE=INACTIVE. This causes the coupling facility XCF gateway component of the OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert to be initialized in inactive mode.
Once XCFMODE is enabled, you can also enable user options DB2RTCPU and DB2REMIO. The default for both user options is enabled (DB2RTCPU=YES and DB2REMIO=YES). For more information, refer to Cross-system coupling facility.
The DB2RTCPU user option allows viewing Db2 remote thread CPU time for threads running on remote members of the data sharing group that the connected Db2 subsystem belongs to. It is also used for collecting lock information for remote threads. You can disable this user option byspecifying DB2RTCPU=NO.
The DB2REMIO user option allows viewing Thread DSN Activity for threads running on remote members of the data sharing group that the connected Db2 subsystem belongs to. You can disable this user option by specifying DB2REMIO=NO.
The ASCBCHAP user option determines the dispatching priority of the PE Collector address space as it relates to the Db2 subsystems dispatching priority. Specifying ASCBCHAP=ACTIVE causes the PE Collector dispatching priority to be internally set higher than the Db2 subsystems dispatching priority. The default is ASCBCHAP=INACTIVE which does not internally alter the dispatching priority assigned to the PE Collector address space.
The TCMDSECU option in the Classic interface defines whether Db2 CANCEL THREAD command is issued under user or task authority. If TCMDSECU=STC the CANCEL THREAD command will use the OMEGAMON started task authorization to issue the CANCEL command. If TCMDSECU=USER the signed on user's authorization will be used.
The CICSCORR user option is used to control CICS thread summary displays. Specifying CICSCORR=YES causes the correlation ID (CORRID) field to be displayed. The default is CICSCORR=NO which causes the job name to be displayed rather than the correlation ID.
The message subsystem displays the current Db2 subsystem and IRLM messages. It also allows you to issue Db2 commands, for example, to display the status of utility jobs or terminate utilities that have abended. Message subsystem activation and deactivation is controlled by the MGSUBSYS={ACTIVE/INACTIVE} user option specified in OMPEOPTS member of the RKD2PAR data set. By default, OMEGAMON for Db2 PE on z/OS® is shipped with MGSUBSYS=INACTIVE. To activate the message subsystem, set MGSUBSYS=ACTIVE, generate the runtime members, and restart the OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert Collector address space. You can then view messages when you select the Db2 CONSOLE option on the OMEGAMON Classic Interface Realtime main menu.