Timeout Header attributes
Use these attributes to view timeout header information.
Anchor ID Hash Anchor (Field name: ANCHOR).
Buffer Pool The buffer pool ID (Field name: BPOOL).
Collection Package collection ID(Field name: COLLECTI).
Connection Name Connection name, not valid on end of memory and reflects the z/OS home ASID connection name (Field name: QWHCCN):
- For batch:'BATCH'
- For TSO:'TSO'
- For utility:'UTILITY'
- For Db2 internal: DB2 SUBSYSTEM ID
- For distributed database access threads:
- For threads from a Db2 requester, this field contains the connection name of the thread at the requesting location.
- For threads using the DRDA protocol from a non-Db2 requester, this field contains the constant 'SERVER'.
Consistency Token Consistency token (Field name: CONSTOKE).
Correlation ID Correlation ID value (Field name: QWHCCV):
- For batch: JOBNAME
- For RRSAF: CORRELATION-ID value from signon function
- For threads from a Db2 requester, this field contains the CORRELATION-ID name of the thread at the requesting location.
- For threads using the DRDA protocol from a non-Db2 requester, this field contains the first 12 characters in the DDM external name (EXTNAM) parameter of the DDM EXCSAT command received as part of the SQL connect.
Database Database ID (Field name: QW0196KD).
Data_Sharing Group The Data Sharing Group Name (Field name: GROUP).
DB2 Subsystem The Db2 subsystem ID (Field name: DB2ID).
DB2 Version The Db2 Version (Field name: DB2VER).
DSG Member Name The Data Sharing Group Member Name (Field name: MEMBER).
End User The end user's work station user ID (Field name: QWHCEUID). This can be different from the authorization ID used to connect to Db2. This field contains blanks if the client did not supply this information.
Event IFCID (Field name: QWHSIID). The instrumentation facility component identification (Db2 trace record).
- Deadlock 172
- Timeout 196
Event Date Time of Event (Field name: DATEATIM).
Event Stck Event timestamp (Field name: DATESTCK).
Group Name Db2 data sharing group name (Field name: QWHADSGN).
Hash Value Locked resource name hash value (Field name: QW0196RH).
Instance Number Instance number (Field name: QWHSLUUV). Displayed as 12 hex characters. When concatenated with the fully qualified network name, it uniquely identifies a distributed thread. (Though this field may appear to be a timestamp, it is not to be processed as one.) For more information see the -DISPLAY THREAD command in Command Reference.
Interval Source Timeout reason of this thread (Field name: QW0196TR).
Interval Start The start time of this interval (Field name: TIMESTAMP).
LOB Row ID Row ID (Field name: QW0196K6).
LOB Version Version number (Field name: QW0196K7).
Member Name Db2 member name within the Db2 data sharing group (Field name: QWHAMEMN).
MVS System ID The MVS identifier (Field name: MVSID).
Object Page set OBID or table record OBID (Field name: QW0196KP).
Originating System The managed system name of the agent (Field name: ORIGINNODE). Valid format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 32 characters; example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
Owning Work Unit Owning work unit (Field name: QW0196HO).
Package Package ID (Field name: PACKAGE). The package from which the SQL was taken.
Page Number Page number (Field name: QW0196KG).
Part Number Partition number (Field name: QW0196KF).
Plan Name Plan name (Field name: QWHCPLAN). Blank for Db2 command thread; otherwise:
- For SPUFI with cursor stability: 'DSNESPCS'
- For SPUFI with repeatable read: 'DSNESPRR'
- For TSO: the application plan name
- For IMS: the application plan name
- For CICS: application plan name, IMS and CICS commands have a blank plan name.
- For RRSAF create thread with the collection parameter: '?RRSAF '
- For Distributed Database Access threads:
- For threads using the DRDA protocol from a requester, this field contains the plan name that is executed at the requesting location.
- For threads using the DRDA protocol from a non-Db2 requester or from a Db2 2.3 requester, this field contains the constant 'DISTSERV'.
- For binding: 'DSNBIND' (system plan)
- For utility: 'DSNUTIL ' (system plan)
- For authorization: 'ACT' + X'0000000000' (system plan)
- For unallocated threads and miscellaneous Db2 system service tasks: 'BCT' + X'0000000000' (system plan)
- For startup: 'STARTCT' + X'00' (system plan)
Primary AuthID Initial primary authorization ID (Field name: QWHCOPID).
- For batch: USER-ID on job statement
- For RRSAF:
If the following conditions are true, RRSAF uses the value in ACEEUSRI as the initial primary authorization ID:
- The system authorization facility (SAF) and a security product, such as RACF, is used.
- There is an ACEE associated with the job step TCB or with the AXSB.
- The first 7 characters of the job step user ID match the first 7 characters of the value in ACEEUSRI.
If any of the above conditions are not true, then the initial primary authorization ID is the value in ASXBUSER.
- For IMS (message-driven regions): SIGNON-ID, LTERM, ASXBUSR, or PSB name.
- For IMS (control regions): USER-ID on job statement, or RACF, started procedure entry if RACF is used.
- For CICS: USERID, OPID, GROUP, SIGN, or TERM, or TX, as specified in the DB2ENTRY resource definition.
- For z/OS OPERATOR commands and Db2 system internal agents: = 'SYSOPR'.
- For a distributed application server (AS):
- If the application requester (AR) is a Db2 system, this is the same value that was assigned at the AR.
- If the application requester is not a Db2 system, this is the user ID that was used to make the initial connection with the application server.
The user ID is obtained in one of the following ways:
- Passed by the requester in the allocate conversation flow (FMH5)
- Passed by the requester in the DRDA security flow
- Derived by the server from the RACF passticket
- Provided by the requester in the DRDA security flow
Requested Duration Lock duration (Field name: QW0196WD).
- X'20'= Manual: The lock is held only as long as necessary.
- X'21'= Manual+1: Temporary change of consistency level from CS to RR during bind and data definition operations (RDS changes back internally).
- X'40'= Commit: The lock is held until commit.
- X'41'= Commit+1: Locks needed to maintain the position of a cursor opened "with hold" are held past commit.
- X'60'= Allocation: The lock is held until deallocation.
- X'80'= Plan.
- X'81'= Utility.
- X'FE'= Interest duration for P-Locks.
- X'FF' = Duration to free all locks.
Requested Flag Requested lock flag (Field name: QW0196WF).
- X'80'
- On = Conditional.
Requested Function Requested function (Field name: QW0196WU).
- X'02' Lock function
- X'03' Unlock function
- X'04' Change function
Requested State Lock state requested by thread waiting for the resource (Field name: QW0196WS).
- X'01' (Reserved)
- X'02' Intent share
- X'03' Intent exclusive
- X'04' Shared
- X'05' Update
- X'06' Shared intent exclusive
- X'07' Nonshared update
- X'08' Exclusive
Resources Involved Number of lock holders (Field name: QW0196NU).
Resource Manager ID (Field name: RMID).
Resource Name (Field name: EXCPRESN).
Resource Num Shows the type of lock held on a resource (Field name: RESOURTY). This field displays one of the following values:
- ALTERBUF Alter buffer pool
- BINDLOCK Autobind or remote bind serialization
- CATM_CAT CATMAINT convert catalog
- CATM_DIR CATMAINT convert directory
- CATM_MIG CATMAIN migration
- CDB_PLCK DDF communications database P-lock
- CMD_SER Database command serialization
- COLLECT Collection ID
- DATABASE Database (locking of the DBD)
- DATAPAGE Data page; check the ISOLATION level for the plans and packages
- DATASET Data set (partition)
- DBATABLE Start or stop on database allocation table
- DBD_PLCK Database descriptor P-lock
- DRAIN_CS CS read drain
- DRAIN_RR RR read drain
- DRAIN_W Write drain
- EXCP_UPD Group database exception update
- GBP_CAST Group buffer pool level castout P-lock
- GBP_SS Group buffer pool start or stop
- GRP_CONV GPB-dependent conversion
- HASHANCH Hash anchor
- IMP_PLCK Index manager tree P-lock
- INDEX Index page; investigate the number of subpages per page in the index
- INDEXOF Index end-of-file
- LPL_GREC DB exception logical page list or group buffer pool recovery pending
- MASSDEL Mass delete
- OPENLOCK Page set or data set open lock to serialize data set open or close
- PAGEPLCK Page P-lock
- PAGESET Page set (table space or index space); investigate the ACQUIRE and RELEASE parameters
- PART_NSP Partitioned table space
- PART_SPL Partition
- PP_CAST Page set or partition level castout P-lock
- PP_PLCK Page set or partition P-lock
- ROW Row Hash anchor
- RPR_DBD Repair database descriptor test or diagnose
- SCA_ACC Shared communications area access for restart or redo information
- SKCT Skeleton cursor table
- SKPT Skeleton package table
- SYSLGRNG Buffer manager SYSLGRNG recording (obtained for the duration of SYSLGRNG update)
- TABLE Table anchor
- UTIL_EXC Utility exclusive execution
- UTIL_UID Utility UID
- UTILSER Utility serialization
Resource Type Locked resource type (Field name: QW0196FR). Constants are:
- X'00'
- Data page.
- X'01'
- Database (DBD).
- X'02'
- Page set (table space or index space).
- X'03'
- Table space lock on a partitioned table space when the table space is defined with LOCKPART NO.
- X'04'
- Skeleton cursor table (SKCT). For data sharing, this lock is an LP-LOCK, which has characteristics of both an L-LOCK and a P-LOCK. The P component protects the cached version of the plan or package and the L component prevents updates to the plan or package while it is being actively used. The P-LOCK is acquired only under the agent that causes the SKCT to be cached in the EDM pool. Subsequent agents that reference the SKCT do not need to acquire the P-LOCK because it is owned by the system, not by the agent. On the same resource name, you will see L-LOCK (QW0021Z1=OFF) and P-LOCK (QW0021Z1=ON).
- X'05'
- Index page.
- X'06'
- Partition lock when table space is defined with LOCKPART YES.
- X'07'
- Page set or data set open lock to serialize data set open or close.
- X'08'
- Utility I/O damage assessment.
- X'09'
- Page set piece lock.
- X'0A'
- Lock on database exception table.
- X'0B'
- Retry getpage during rollback.
- X'0C'
- 32KB desperation pool.
- X'0D'
- SYSLGRNX or SYSLGRNG recording lock obtained for the duration of the SYSLGRNX or SYSLGRNG update, or the group buffer pool (GBP) dependent conversion lock.
- X'0E'
- Utility serialization.
- X'0F'
- Mass DELETE. A mass DELETE is a DELETE without a WHERE clause. All rows in a table are deleted.
- X'10'
- Table.
- X'11'
- Hash anchor.
- X'12'
- Skeleton package table (SKPT). For data sharing, this lock is an LP-LOCK. See the SKCT lock (X'04') for a description of LP-LOCKS.
- X'13'
- Collection.
- X'14'
- Cursor stability drain.
- X'15'
- Repeatable read drain.
- X'16'
- Write drain.
- X'17'
- Auto/remote bind lock for serialization of local autobinds of packages, remote binds, and remote rebinds of packages.
- X'18'
- Data row.
- X'19'
- Index end-of-file.
- X'1A'
- X'1B'
- X'1C'
- Index tree P-LOCK.
- X'1D'
- Page set or partition P-LOCK.
- X'1E'
- Page P-LOCK.
- X'1F'
- DDF communications database (CDB) P-LOCK.
- X'20'
- Group buffer pool castout P-LOCK.
- X'21'
- Page set or partition castout P-LOCK.
- X'22'
- Resource limit facility (RLF) P-LOCK.
- X'23'
- Database descriptor (DBD) P-LOCK.
- X'24'
- CATMAINT convert directory.
- X'25'
- CATMAINT convert catalog lock.
- X'26'
- CATMAINT migration lock.
- X'27'
- Database exception LPL/GRECP.
- X'28'
- Utility UID.
- X'29'
- Utility exclusive execution.
- X'2A'
- Shared communications area (SCA) access for restart/redo information.
- X'2B'
- Database group exception update.
- X'2C'
- REPAIR DBD test/diagnose.
- X'2D'
- Database command serialization.
- X'2E'
- Buffer manager pageset RR P-LOCK.
- X'2F'
- Global lock for serializing operations on a multiple-buffer-pool object (MBA) in the shared communications area (SCA).
- X'30'
- LOB lock.
- X'31'
- Utility commit lock.
- X'32'
- LPL recovery lock.
- X'33'
- Header page hash bucket or stored procedure commands.
- X'34'
- System-level point-in-time recovery lock.
- X'35'
- XML lock.
- X'36'
- Add PART serialization lock.
- X'37'
- SYSIBM.SYSENVIRONMENT serialization lock.
- X'38'
- Utility object lock.
- X'39'
- DBD load lock.
- X'3A'
- Compression dictionary build lock.
- X'3B'
- Compression dictionary load lock.
- X'3C'
- Hash value lock.
- X'3D'
- Index key lock.
- X'3E'
- Declared temporary table URID lock.
- X'3F'
- Accelerator services command lock.
- X'40'
- Utility object lock with hash.
- X'41'
- Serialization lock for SQL against the catalog for utilities.
- X'42'
- X'43'
- SYSIBM.SYSDYNQRY stabilization group lock.
- X'47'
- SYSIBM.SYSDYNQRY object dependency lock.
- X'48'
- SYSIBM.SYSDYNQRY authorization dependency lock.
- X'49'
- Index manager fast traverse block lock.
Row The record ID within the page (Field name: ROW).
Subpage Number See QW0021K2 for possible values for this field (Field name: QW0196K2).
Subystem ID The MVS system ID (SID) (Field name: QWHSSID).
Timeout Counter Timeout counter for this thread (Field name: QW0196TC).
Timeout Interval Timeout interval (Field name: QW0196TI). The timeout value specified on installation panel DSNTIPX or ZPARM name: stortime in DSN6SYSP.
Transaction Name The transaction or application name that the end user is running (Field name: QWHCEUTX). This identifies the application that is currently running, not the product that is used to run the application. This field contains blanks if the client did not supply this information.
Utility ID The Utility Name (Field name: UTIL).
Workstation Name The end user's workstation name (Field name: QWHCEUWN). This field contains blanks if the client did not supply this information.