Thread Locks Owned Summary attributes

Use Thread Locks Owned Summary attributes to view a summary of all locks and claims owned by a thread.

AGNT ASID The address space ID (ASID) of the agent.

Authorization ID The authorization ID.

Authorization ID (Unicode) The primary authorization ID from connection or sign-on that identifies the execution privileges an application has to a Db2 object or service. It is an alphanumeric text string with a maximum of 128 characters.

Bind ACQUIRE Option The ACQUIRE option specified at BIND time: ALLOCATE or USE. This allows you to control when the allocation of tablespace locks is to occur. If ACQUIRE(USE) is specified, tablespace locks will be acquired when the resource is used by the application. If ACQUIRE(ALLOCATE) is specified, all tablespace locks will be obtained at plan allocation time. Dynamic SQL users (QMF, SPUFI) always execute with the ACQUIRE(USE) option.

Bind RELEASE Option The RELEASE option specified at BIND time: COMMIT or DEALLOCATE. The RELEASE option controls when tablespace and SKCT locks are freed. RELEASE(COMMIT) causes these locks to be released at each commit point. RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) causes these locks to be freed at application termination. Page locks are always released at commit time, regardless of the release option.

Catalog Locks The total number of all catalog locks owned. This number includes any locks owned on a page or tablespace in database DSNDB06. This is the total of the catalog pageset and page locks.

Catalog Page Row Locks The total number of page and row locks on the catalog (DSNDB06) database. This includes data page (DPAG), index page (IPAG), and row (ROW) locks.

Catalog Pageset Locks The total number of pageset locks in which the object of the lock is a pageset owned by the catalog (DSNDB06) database (PSET).

Collection ID (Unicode) The collection ID. This field is blank for DBRM. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 128 characters.

Thread Locks Owned Summary Attributes The connection ID. Identifies the connection of an application to a Db2 system.

It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum length of eight characters.

Thread Locks Owned Summary Attributes The type of connection associated with the thread.

Valid values are:
Value Description
BATCH Batch job
CICS CICS attach
Distributed Distributed Database Access thread
IMS_CTL IMS control region
IMS_TBMP IMS transaction BMP
DistAllied Distributed Allied thread
RRSAF Db2 Resource Recovery Services attachment facility
SYSTEM System directed access
TSO TSO foreground and background
UNKNOWN Unrecognizable connection type
UTILITY Db2 Utility

Correlation ID The Db2 Correlation ID.

DB2 ID The name of a Db2 subsystem.

Directory and Other Locks The total number of directory and other locks owned by the thread. Directory locks are issued against resources contained in the DSNDB01 directory database.

Elapsed time Shows the elapsed time in milliseconds.

End User ID The user ID of the workstation end user. This user ID can be different from the authorization ID used to connect to Db2. This field contains blanks if the client does not supply this information (Db2 field name: QWHCEUID).

ISOLATION Option The ISOLATION option specifies when the plan is bound. The isolation parameter allows you to control the data consistency in the pages that the plan accesses. It has an effect on the number of page or row locks held concurrently by an application.

The available options are:

Cursor Stability (CS or CURSOR)
Causes a page lock acquired for read processing to be released when the application subsequently accesses data contained on another data page. (Page locks acquired as a result of update activity are always retained until commit.)
Read Stability (RS or READ)
Is similar to Repeatable Read but this isolation option allows to insert new rows or update rows that did not satisfy the original search condition of the application.
Repeatable Read (RR or REPEAT)
Causes all application locks obtained for read processing to be retained until application commit time.
RR with X-lock (REPEATX)
Means Repeatable Read with X-lock.
RS with X-lock (READX)
Means Read Stability with X-lock.
Uncommitted Read (UR or UNCOMMIT)
Causes data to be read without acquiring locks. This can result in accessing data that has been updated but not yet committed. It applies only to read-only operations: SELECT, SELECT INTO, or FETCH from a read-only result table. Use this isolation level only when:
  • Data consistency is not necessary or inconsistencies already exist
  • Errors cannot occur with its use, such as with a reference table that is rarely updated

Job Name The job name that is associated with a thread.

Locks Owned The total number of all locks owned by the thread. This includes all lock types.

LUWID The logical unit of work ID (LUWID) for a thread.

This value consists of two parts: the logical unit of work ID (luw-id) and a token. The token can be used in place of the luw-id in any Db2® command that accepts luw-id as input. Format:

The luw-id consists of the network name, the originating VTAM® LUNAME, and a unique identifier (separated by periods). Thus, the Luwid field displays data such as the following:


MVSID The MVS system identifier.

Originating System ID The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.

Package DBRM (Unicode) The package DBRM name.

Page Row Lock Total number of page and row locks owned by the thread. It includes data page locks (DPAG), index page locks (IPAG), and row locks (ROW). It excludes any locks in which the lock object is owned by the catalog database or the directory database.

Pageset and Dataset Locks The total number of pageset locks held. This excludes pageset locks in which the lock object is a pageset owned by the catalog database or the directory database. Lock types included are PSET and DSET.

Percent NUMLKUS The current percentage of NUMLKUS reached by the thread. NUMLKUS is an installation parameter in DSNZPARM that specifies the maximum number of page, row, LOB, or XML locks that can be held by a single process at any one time. It includes locks for both, the Db2 catalog and directory and for user data.

Plan The plan name.

Time Stamp Represents the end of data collection or the end of an interval, and is the local time where the system is running.

Uniqueness Value The instance number: When concatenated with the fully qualified network name, it uniquely identifies a distributed thread (Db2 field name: QWHSLUUV).

Uniqueness Value 2 The Db2 thread uniqueness value. For internal use.