Remote User Statistics

Use these attributes to view detailed client user ID statistics.

Abended The number of times that a thread that was used by a connection from an application run by the specified client user ID abended (Field name: QLAUNTHDA).

Abort Requests Number of abort requests received from the requester (single-phase commit protocol) and number of backout requests received from the coordinator (two-phase commit protocol). (Field name: QLAUABRR).

Active Threads The current number of active threads for the application run by the specified client user ID (Field name: QLAUNTHD).

Canceled The number of times that a thread that was used by a connection from an application run by the specified client user ID was canceled (Field name: QLAUNTHDC).

Commit Requests Number of commit requests received from the requester (single-phase commit protocol) and committed requests received from the coordinator (two-phase commit protocol). (Field name: QLAUCOMR).

Data Sharing Group The Data Sharing Group Name (Field name: GROUP).

DB2 Subsystem The Db2 subsystem ID (Field name: DB2ID).

DB2 Version The Db2 Version (Field name: DB2VER).

DGTT Not Dropped The number of times that an application run by the specified client user ID did not drop a declared temporary table that condition prevented Db2 from pooling DBATs (Field name: QLAUDGTT).

Held LOB Locator Exist The number of times that an application run by the specified client user ID used a held LOB locator. That condition prevented Db2 from pooling DBATs. Db2 field name: QLAUHLOBLOC. (Field name: QLAUHLOB).

High Perf DBAT Used The number of times that an application run by the specified client user ID used a high-perfornamce DBAT. That condition prevented Db2 from pooling DBATs. (Field name: QLAUHIPRF).

HWM Active Threads For a statistics trace, this is the highest number of active threads during the current statistics interval. For a reads request, this is the highest number of active threads since DDF was started. (Field name: QLAUHTHD).

Interval Start The start time of this interval (Field name: TIMESTAMP).

KeepDyn Package Used The number of times that an application run by the specified client user ID used KEEPDYNAMIC packages. That condition prevented Db2 from pooling DBATs. (Field name: QLAUKPDYN).

Member Name The Data Sharing Group Member Name (Field name: MEMBER).

MVS System ID The MVS identifier (Field name: MVSID).

Originating System The managed system name of the agent. Valid format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 32 characters; example, DB91:SYS1:DB2. (Field name: ORIGINNODE).

Product ID The product ID of the remote location from which the application connects. See QLAUPRLV for the product level. (Field name: QLAUPRID).

Product Level Product level, if known (Field name: QLAUPRLV).

Profile Set Global Vars The number of times that an application run by the specified client user ID reported a connection or application condition from setting a global variable through a profile (Field name: QLAUNSGV).

Profile Set Special Regs The number of times that an application run by the specified client user ID reported a connection or application condition from setting a special register through a profile (Field name: QLAUNSSR).

Queued Profile Excp The number of times that a thread that was used by a connection from the application run by the specified client user ID was queued because a profile exception threshold was exceeded (Field name: QLAUNTHDPQ).

Queued Thread MAXDBAT The number of threads associated with the specified client user ID that were queued because the MAXDBAT subsystem parameter value was exceeded (Field name: QLAUTHDTM).

Rest Service Requests The number of times that an application run by the application condition from a rest service request (Field name: QLAUNREST).

Stored Procedure Commit The number of times that a commit was issued in a stored procedure that was called by the specified client user ID. That condition prevented Db2 from pooling DBATs. (Field name: QLAUSPCMT).

Term keepDynRefresh Idle The number of threads associated with the specified client user ID that were terminated because the threads were running under KEEPDYNAMIC refresh rules, and the idle time exceeded the idle time limit (Field name: QLAUTHDTK).

Term KeepDynRefresh Use The number of threads associated with the specified client user ID that were terminated because the threads were running under KEEPDYNAMIC refresh rules, and the time that they were in use exceeded the in-use time limit (Field name: QLAUTHDTF).

Terminated Profile Excp The number of times that a thread that was used by a connection from the application run by the specified client user ID terminated because a profile exception threshold was exceeded (Field name: QLAUNTHDPT).

Thread Term Canceled The number of threads associated with the specified client user ID that were terminated because the cancel thread command was issued (Field name: QLAUTHDTC).

Thread Term Idle Profile The number of threads associated with the specified client user ID that were terminated because a profile exception condition for idle threads was exceeded (Field name: QLAUTHDTR).

Thread Term IDTHTOIN The number of threads associated with the specified client user ID that were terminated because the IDTHTOIN subsystem parameter value was exceeded (Field name: QLAUTHDTI).

Thread Term Network The number of threads associated with the specified client user ID that were terminated due to network termination (Field name: QLAUTHDTN).

User Name %U the name of the client user ID under which the connection from the remote application to the local site is established. This field contains the value of the current CLIENT_USERID Special Register at the time of the initial connection, converted to uppercase. See the current CLIENT_USERID topic in IBM documentation for more information. If QLAUUSRI_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated. (Field name: QLAUUSRI).

Version Version of the QLAU record. When this value is set to '000001', the QLAU section contains fields QLAUUSRI_OFF to QLAUTHDTN (Field name: QLAUVRSN).

WithHold Cur Not Closed The number of times that an application run by the specified client user ID used a cursor that was defined as with hold, and was not closed. that condition prevented Db2 form pooling DBATs. (Field name: QLAUHCRSR).