EDM Pool Statistics attributes
Use these attributes to view the Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) pool statistics.
4 bytes filler Not used.
CT Pages Used Not used.
DB2 Subsystem The Db2 subsystem ID.
DB2 Version The Db2 version.
DBD Pages Free The number of free pages in the EDM DBD (Field name: QISEDFRE).
DBD Pages Held The number of pages used for DBDs (Field name: QISEDBD).
DBD Pages The number of pages in the EDM DBD cache (Field name: QISEDPGE).
DBD Stealable pages The total number of DBD pages that can be reused (Field name: QISEDLRU).
DBD in Use (MB) The amount of storage used by database descriptors in the EDM DBD pool above the 2 GB bar (Field name: SISEDBDP).
DBD in Use Percent The percentage of DBD pages in use expressed as a complement of the percentage of available DBD pages (ratio of stealable and free pages to the total number) (Field name: SISEDPIU).
DSG Member Name The Data Sharing Group (DSG) member name.
Data Sharing Group The Data Sharing Group name.
Interval Start The start time of this interval.
MVS System ID The MVS identifier.
Originating System The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
PT Pages Used Not used.
SKCT Pages Held The number of pages used for skeleton cursor tables (SKCTs) (Field name: QISESKCT).
SKEL Pages Free The number of free pages in the skeleton EDM pool free chain (Field name: QISEKFRE).
SKEL Pool Pages The number of pages in the skeleton EDM POOL (Field name: QISEKPGE).
SKEL Pool in Use (MB) The amount of storage used by objects in the EDM skeleton pool above the 2 GB bar (Field name: SISESKCP).
SKEL in Use Percent The percentage of skeleton pages in use expressed as complement of the percentage of available skeleton pages (ratio of stealable and free pages to the total number) (Field name: SISEKPIU).
SKPT Pages Held The number of pages used for the SKPT (Field name: QISESKPT).
SKPT Stealable pages The total number of SKPT pages that can be reused (Field name: QISEKLRU).
Shareable static SQL stmt The total number of requests for shareable static SQL statements (Field name: QISEKSPG).
Statement Pool in Use (MB) The amount of storage used by cached dynamic SQL statements in the EDM Statement pool above the 2 GB bar (Field name: SISEDYNP).
Statements in global cache The number of statements in the EDM pool (Field name: QISESTMT).
Stmt Pages Free The number of free pages in the EDM statement pool (Field name: QISECFRE).
Stmt Pages Held The number of pages used in the EDM statement pool (Field name: QISEDYNP).
Stmt Pool Pages The number of pages in the EDM statement pool (Field name: QISECPGE).
Storage alloc PKG ATB The amount of storage above the bar that was allocated for packages (Field name: QISESQKA).
Storage alloc PKG BTB The amount of storage below the bar that was allocated for packages (Field name: QISESQKB).
Storage alloc Plan ATB The amount of storage above the bar that was allocated for plans (Field name: QISESQCA).
Storage alloc Plan BTB The amount of storage below the bar that was allocated for plans (Field name: QISESQCB).
Total stg alloc static SQL statements The total storage requested for shareable static SQL statements (Field name: QISEKSPA).