Dynamic SQL Cache 1 attributes
Use these attributes to view dynamic SQL cache 1 information.
Appl Data User-provided identification string. If QW0316UI_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated (Field name: QW0316UI).
Current Degree Current degree special register value: ANY or 1 (Field name: AQW316X9).
Current Precision Current precision special register value: DEC31 or DEC15 (Field name: AQW316XB).
Current Rule Current rules special register value: Db2 or SQL (Field name: AQW316XA).
Current Schema Current schema special register contents (Field name: QW0316SC).
Currentdata Bind CURRENTDATA bind option: YES or NO (Field name: QW02542W).
Cursor Hold (Db2 field name: AQW316X7).
DB2 Subsystem The Db2 subsystem ID.
DB2 Version The Db2 version.
DSG Member Name The Data Sharing Group (DSG) member name.
DSG Member Data Sharing member that cached the SQL statement (Field name: QW0316MB).
Data Sharing Group The Data Sharing Group name.
Dynamic Rules Bind DYNAMICRULES bind option: BIND or RUN (Db2 field name: AQW316X8).
End User ID End-user ID. This value is provided during RRS signon or re-signon (Field name: QW0316XE).
- 'A '
- The query contains an implicit query transformation that was caused by the sysibmadm.get_archive built-in global variable.
- 'B '
- The query contains an implicit query transformation that was caused by the current temporal business_time special register.
- 'S '
- The query contains an implicit query transformation that was caused by the current temporal system_time special register.
- 'SB'
- The query contains an implicit query transformation that was caused by the current temporal business_time special register and the current temporal system_time special register.
- ' '
- The query does not contain an implicit query transformation that was caused by the current temporal business_time special register, the current temporal system_time special register, or the sysibmadm.get_archive built-in global variable.
- 'N/A'
- Data is not available.
Interval Start The start time of this interval.
Isolation Bind Value of bind option isolation that is in effect for the initial prepare. This value does not reflect that it is specified in a WITH clause (Db2 field name: QW0316X6).
Literal Replace Indic Indicator for cache literal replacement (Db2 field name: QW0316LR).
MVS System ID The MVS identifier.
Object Qualifier Qualifier that is used for unqualified table names. If QW0316X5_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated (Field name: QW0316X5).
Originating System The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; for example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
Prepare ID Text of the user ID. If QW0316T3_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated (Field name: QW0316T3).
Program Name Text of the program name. If QW0316T1_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated (Field name: QW0316T1).
Ref Table Qualifier Qualifier of the referenced table name. If QW0316QD_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated (Field name: QW0316QD).
Ref Table Text of the referenced table name. If QW0316TD_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated (Field name: QW0316TD).
Statement Identifier Unique statement identifier. A generated number for uniquely identifying a statement in the prepared statement cache (Field name: QW0316TK).
Statement Name Statement name generated by Db2 for this statement (Field name: QW0316NM).
- Invalidated by DROP or ALTER
- Invalidated by REVOKE
- Removed from cache by LRU
- Invalidated by RUNSTATS
- No statement status is set
Transaction Name Transaction name. This value is provided during RRS signon or re-signon (Field name: QW0316T2).
User Group User group (Field name: QW0316X4). User group is the current SQLID of the user who did the initial prepare. If QW0316X4_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated.
Workstation Name Workstation name (Field name: QW0316XF). This value is provided during RRS signon or re-signon.