DSG DDF Statistics attributes

Use these attributes to view DSG DDF statistics information.

Average Queued Time For inactive connections or new connections that are queued and waiting to be serviced by a DBAT (connections that are counted in field QDSTNQR2), the average amount of time that the connections are waiting during the statistics period. This value is in STCK format. Only the writing of statistics records due to an expired timer causes this counter to be reset. The writing of statistics records for IFI reads, checkpoints, or commands does not cause this counter to be reset. (Field name: QDSTNQAV).

Closed CONNs FACMCONQW The number of queued client connections whose TCP/IP sockets were closed because the maximum time that was spent waiting for a DBAT exceeded the FACMCONQN value. Sockets are closed only on a member of a data sharing group. (Field name: QDSTNCCW).

Cold Starts CONNs The number of cold start connections with all remote locations (two-phase commit operations only). (Field name: QDSTCSTR).

CONNs Closed MAXDBAT The number of queued client connections whose TCP/IP sockets were closed because the number of database access threads exceeded the MAXDBAT subsystem parameter value, and the number of inactive connections that were queued and waiting for a DBAT exceeded the FACMCONQN value. Sockets are closed only on a member of a data sharing group. (Field name: QDSTNCQC).

Cur Active Pooled DBATs The current number of active and disconnected (pooled) DBATs. (Field name: QDSTCNAT).

Cur DBATs KEEPDYN Yes The current number of DBATs that are active due to usage of packages bound with KEEPDYNAMIC YES. (Field name: QDSTNAKD).

Cur DBATs Suspended The current number of DBATS that were suspended due to a profile exception (Field name: QDSTDBPQ).

Cur Queued Type2 CONNs The current number of inactive connections or new connections that are queued, waiting to be serviced by a DBAT. DBATs might be unavailable if the MAXDBAT ZPARM value is reached, or if DDF is stopped, or stopping with MODE(SUSPEND). Check QDSTQDBT to determine whether there is a MAXDBAT constraint. See QDSTNQMN, QDSTNQMX, and QDSTNQAV for related elapsed time information. (Field name: QDSTNQR2).

Cur Type1 Inactive DBATs The current number of type 1 inactive database access threads. (Field name: QDSTQCIT).

Current Disc DBATs The current number of disconnected (pooled) DBATs that are available to service work on inactive connections or new connections. (Field name: QDSTNADS).

Current Type2 CONNs The current number of inactive connections. (Field name: QDSTCIN2).

Cur DBATs REL DEALLOCATE The current number of DBATs that are active because the associated packages were bound with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE). (Field name: QDSTNARD).

Data Sharing Group The Data Sharing Group Name. (Field name: GROUP).

DB2 Subsystem The Db2 subsystem ID. (Field name: DB2ID).

DB2 Version The Db2 version. (Field name: DB2VER).

DBATs Created The number of times that a DBAT was created. (Field name: QDSTNDBA).

HWM DBATs KEEPDYN YES The maximum number of DBATs that are active due to usage of packages bound with KEEPDYNAMIC YES. (Field name: QDSTMAKD).

HWM DBATs REL DEALLOCATE The maximum number of DBATs that are active because the associated packages were bound with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE). (Field name: QDSTMARD).

HWM Disc DBATs The maximum number of disconnected (pooled) DBATs that have been available to service work on inactive connections or new connections. (Field name: QDSTMADS).

HWM Queued Type2 CONNs The maximum number of inactive connections or new connections that have been queued, waiting to be serviced by a DBAT. (Field name: QDSTMQR2).

HWM Total Remote CONNs The maximum number of remote connections that have existed. (Field name: QDSTHWDT).

HWM Type1 Inactive DBATs The maximum number of type 1 inactive threads that have existed. (Field name: QDSTQMIT).

HWM Type2 CONNs The maximum number of concurrent inactive connections that have existed. (Field name: QDSTMIN2).

HWM Active Pooled_DBATs The maximum number of active and disconnected (pooled) database access threads that existed. (Field name: QDSTHWAT).

ILOS Cancels CPU Cont The number of ILOS cancels declined due to CPU contention. (Field name: QDSTNLSC).

Interval Start The start time of this interval. (Field name: TIMESTAMP).

Max DBATs Suspended The maximum number of DBATS that were suspended due to a profile exception (Field name: QDSTMDPQ).

Maximum Queued Time For inactive connections or new connections that are queued and waiting to be serviced by a DBAT (connections that are counted in field QDSTNQR2), the maximum amount of time that the connections are waiting during the statistics period. This value is in STCK format. Only the writing of statistics records due to an expired timer causes this counter to be reset. The writing of statistics records for IFI reads, checkpoints, or commands does not cause this counter to be reset. (Field name: QDSTNQMX).

Member Name The Data Sharing Group Member Name. (Field name: MEMBER).

Minimum Queued Time For inactive connections or new connections that are queued and waiting to be serviced by a DBAT (connections that are counted in field QDSTNQR2), the minimum amount of time that the connections are waiting during the statistics period. This value is in STCK format. Only the writing of statistics records due to an expired timer causes this counter to be reset. The writing of statistics records for IFI reads, checkpoints, or commands does not cause this counter to be reset. (Field name: QDSTNQMN).

MVS System The MVS identifier. (Field name: MVSID).

Originating System The managed system name of the agent. Valid format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 32 characters; example, DB91:SYS1:DB2. (Field name: ORIGINNODE).

Queued DBATs MAXDBAT The number of times that a database access thread (DBAT) or connection was queued because the limit was reached for active remote threads (ZPARM MAXDBAT). If this field contains a large number, you might need to increase the MAXDBAT value. Associated delays might be reflected in QDSTNQR2. (Field name: QDSTQDBT).

Rejected CONNs CONDBAT The number of connections that were rejected because the limit was reached for maximum remote connections (ZPARM CONDBAT). (Field name: QDSTQCRT).

Resync Attempted The number of resynchronization connections attempted with all remote locations (two-phase commit operations only). A large value can indicate network or system problems. (Field name: QDSTRSAT).

Resync Succeeded The number of resynchronization connections that succeeded with all remote locations (two-phase commit operations only). If QDSTRSSU is much larger than QDSTRSAT, network problems might exist. (Field name: QDSTRSSU).

Reused DBATs The number of requests that were satisfied by assigning a disconnected (pooled) DBAT to process the requests. (Field name: QDSTPOOL).

Serviced Type2 CONNs The number of receive requests on inactive connections or new connections that have been queued to be serviced by a disconnected (pooled) DBAT. Large values are normal. This field can be used along with prior statistics records to establish a rate at which connections are queued to be serviced by a disconnected (pooled) DBAT. Any delays in this processing are reflected in the QDSTNQR2 value. (Field name: QDSTQIN2).

Terminated DBATs The number of times that a DBAT has been terminated since DDF was started. (Field name: QDSTNDBT).

Terminated Type1 CONNs The number of threads or connections that were terminated instead of being made type 1 inactive because the limit was reached for type 1 inactive threads (ZPARM MAXTYPE1). (Field name: QDSTNITC).

Terminates POOLINAC The number of times that threads used by connections from the remote site were terminated after remaining in pool longer than POOLINAC. (Field name: QDSTNTPL).

Terminates Reuse_Limit The number of times that threads used by connections from the remote site were terminated after exceeding the number of times the thread can be reused. (Field name: QDSTNTRU).

Warm Start CONNs The number of warm start connections with all remote locations (two-phase commit operations only). (Field name: QDSTWSTR).