DDF Location Statistics attributes

Use these attributes to view DDF location statistics information.

Originating System The managed system name of the agent. Valid format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 32 characters; example, DB91:SYS1:DB2. (Field name: ORIGINNODE).

Interval Start The start time of this interval. (Field name: TIMESTAMP).

MVS System The MVS identifier. (Field name: MVSID).

DB2 Subsystem The Db2 subsystem ID. (Field name: DB2ID).

DB2 Version The Db2 Version. (Field name: DB2VER).

Data Sharing Group The Data Sharing Group name. (Field name: GROUP).

Member Name The Data Sharing Group member name. (Field name: MEMBER).

Location Name Location name of the remote location with which information is associated. this value is truncated if QLSTLOCN_OFF is not 0. (Field name: QLSTLOCN).

Version ID When this field is set to '000001', the QLST section contains fields QLSTLOCN_OFF to QLSTHTHD. When this field is set to '000002' , the QLST contains fields QLSTLOCN_OFF to QLSTNTILS. Otherwise, the QLST section contains fields QLSTLOCN_OFF to QLSTPRLV. (Field name: QLSTVRSN).

Product_ID Product ID of the remote location. See QLSTPRLV for the product level. (Field name: QLSTPRID).

Product Level Product level, if known. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTPRLV).

CNVS inited local Number of connections that were initiated from this site to the remote site. This value is meaningful only at the requester. (Field name: QLSTCNVS).

CNVS deallocated Number of connections that were deallocated from this site to the remote site. This value is meaningful only at the requester. (Field name: QLSTCNVT).

CNVS inited Remote Number of connections that were initiated from the remote site to this site. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTCNVR).

Messages Sent Number of messages sent to the remote site. (Field name: QLSTMSGS).

Messages Received Number of messages received from the remote site. (Field name: QLSTMSGR).

SQLs Sent Number of SQL statements sent to the remote site. (Field name: QLSTSQLS).

SQLs Received Number of SQL statements received from the remote site. (Field name: QLSTSQLR).

Bytes Sent Number of bytes of data sent to the remote site. (Field name: QLSTBYTS).

Bytes Received Number of bytes of data received from the remote site. (Field name: QLSTBYTR).

Rows Sent Number of rows of data sent to the remote site. This value includes the SQLDA. (Field name: QLSTROWS).

Rows Received Number of rows of data retrieved from the remote site. this value does not include the SQLDA OR SQLCA. (Field name: QLSTROWR).

Blocks Sent Number of blocks transmitted using block fetch. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTBTBF).

Blocks Received Number of blocks received using block fetch. this value is meaningful only at the requester. (Field name: QLSTBRBF).

Commits Sent Number of commit requests sent to the server (single-phase commit protocol) and committed requests sent to the participant (two-phase commit protocol). This value is maintained at the requester location. (Field name: QLSTCOMS).

Commits Received Number of commit requests received from the requester (single-phase commit protocol) and committed requests received from the coordinator (two-phase commit protocol). (Field name: QLSTCOMR).

Aborts Sent Number of abort requests sent to the server (single-phase commit protocol) and backout requests sent to the participant (two-phase commit protocol). (Field name: QLSTABRS).

Aborts Received Number of abort requests received from the requester (single-phase commit protocol) and backout requests received from the coordinator (two-phase commit protocol). (Field name: QLSTABRR).

Indoubt Threads Number of threads that became indoubt with the remote location as the coordinator (two-phase commit operations only). A large value might indicate network problems. (Field name: QLSTINDT).

Queued Conversations Number of connection requests queued by DDF that were waiting for allocation (requester) or waiting for a DBAT because MAXDBAT was exceeded (server). A large value for a requester indicates that in the Db2 VTAM APPL entry for the subsystem, the maximum number of sessions for communication with a partner (DSESLIM) might need to be increased. A large value for a server indicates that the Db2 subsystem parameter (MAXDBAT) might need to be increased. (Field name: QLSTCNVQ).

Rest Service Requests Number of times that a connection from the remote site invoked a rest service. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNREST).

Profile Sets Special Reg Number of times that a connection from the remote site caused a system monitoring profile to set special registers. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNSSR).

Profile Sets Global Var Number of times that a connection from the remote site caused a system monitoring profile to set global. (Field name: QLSTNSGV).

Workload Balance Used Number of connections from the remote site that used sysplex workload balancing. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNWLB).

TLS/SSL Used Number of connections from the remote site that were configured with SSL and AT/TLS support. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNTLS).

Trusted Context Used Number of connections from the remote site that were under control of a trusted context. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNTRS).

AES Encryption Used Number of connections from the remote site that were using AES encryption. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNAES).

XA Global Trans Used Number of connections from the remote site that were under control of an XA global transaction. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNXA).

DRDA Encryption Used Number of connections from the remote site that used DRDA data encryption. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNENC).

UID PWD Used Number of connections from the remote site that used user ID or password authentication. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNPWD).

Kerberos Used Number of connections from the remote site that used Kerberos authentication. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNKER).

MFA Used Number of connections from the remote site that used multi-factor authentication. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNMFA).

Client Cert Used Number of connections from the remote site that used client certificate authentication. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNCCA).

Failed Security Auth Number of times that a connection from the remote site had security authentication failures. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTFSEC).

Cursor Not Closed Number of times that cursors that were defined with hold prevented thread pooling. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTHCRSR).

DGTT Not Dropped Number of times when the existence of active declared global temporary tables prevented thread pooling. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTDGTT).

KEEPDYNAMIC PKG Used Number of times when the use of KEEPDYNAMIC packages prevented thread pooling. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTKPDYN).

High Perf DBAT Used Number of times when the use of high performance DBATs prevented thread pooling. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTHIPRF).

LOB Locators No Pooling Number of times the existence of active held LOB locators prevented thread pooling. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTHLOB).

STP Commits No Pooling Number of times when a commit issued by a stored procedure prevented thread pooling. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTSPCMT).

Conn Termed CONDBAT Number of connections from the remote site that were terminated because CONDBAT was exceeded. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTCNVTC).

Conn Termed Profile Number of connections from the remote site that were terminated due to a system monitoring profile exception. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTCNVTP).

Conn Termed MAXCONQN Number of connections from the remote site that were terminated because MAXCONQN WAS exceeded. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTCNVTQN).

Conn Termed MAXCONQW Number of connections from the remote site that were terminated because MAXCONQW was exceeded. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTCNVTQW).

Thread Queued Profile Number of times threads used by connections from the remote site were queued due to a system monitoring profile exception. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNTHDPQ).

Thread_Termed_Profile Number of times that threads used by connections from the remote site were terminated due to a system monitoring profile exception. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNTHDPT).

Thread Abended Number of times that threads used by connections from the remote site abended. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNTHDA).

Thread Canceled Number of times that threads used by connections from the remote site were canceled. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNTHDC).

Current Connections Current number of active connections from this location. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNCNV).

HWM Connections For a statistics trace, the highest number of active connections from this location since the last statistics interval. For a reads request, the highest number of active connections from this location since DDF was started. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTHCNV).

Current Threads Current number of active threads in use by this location. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNTHD).

HWM Threads For a statistics trace, the highest number of active threads from this location since the last statistics interval. For a reads request, the highest number of active connections from this location since DDF was started. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTHTHD).

DBAT Termed POOLINACT Number of times that threads used by connections from the remote site were terminated after high performance DBAT remained in pool longer than POOLINAC (or 120 seconds if POOLINAC=0) this value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNTPLH).

DBAT Termed Conn Loss Number of times that threads used by connections from the remote site were terminated after TCP socket closed due to connection loss. This value is meaningful only at the server. (Field name: QLSTNTILS).