Db2 Group Buffer Pool (GBP) attributes
Use these attributes to view the Db2 group buffer pool (GBP).
Asynch GBP Requests The number of asynchronous requests for the primary group buffer pool (Field name: QBGLHS).
Castout Class Threshold The number of times group buffer pool castout was initiated because the class castout threshold was detected (Field name: QBGLCT).
Clean Pages Written Async The number of clean pages asynchronously written to the group buffer pool (Field name: QBGLAC).
Db2 Subsystem The Db2 subsystem ID.
Db2 Version The Db2 version.
DSG Member Name The Data Sharing Group (DSG) member name.
Data Sharing Group The Data Sharing Group name.
Delete Name The number of group buffer pool requests to delete all directory and data entries for a page set or partition. Db2 issues this request when it converts a page set or partition from GBP-dependent to non GBP-dependent. For objects defined with GBPCACHE ALL, Db2 issues this request when the first Db2 member opens the object (Field name: QBGLDN).
Explicit Cross-Invalidation The number of explicit cross-invalidations (Field name: QBGLEX).
GBP Checkpoints Triggered The number of group buffer pool checkpoints triggered by this member (Field name: QBGLCK).
Group Buffer Castout Threshold The number of times group buffer pool castout was initiated because the group buffer pool castout threshold was detected (Field name: QBGLGT).
Group Buffer Pool ID The group buffer pool ID (Field name: QBGLGN).
Group Buffer Pool Name The group buffer pool name (Field name: QBGLGNC).
Hit Ratio The hit ratio (Field name: SGBPHITP).
Interval Start The start time of this interval.
MVS System ID The MVS identifier.
Number of Write and Register requests The number of write and register (WAR) requests. one page is written for each request (Field name: QBGLWS).
Originating System The managed system name of the agent. It is an alphanumeric text string, with a maximum of 32 characters; example, DB91:SYS1:DB2.
Page Locks For Data Pages The number of page P-lock requests for data pages (Field name: QBGLP2).
Page Locks For Index Pages The number of page P-lock requests for index leaf pages (Field name: QBGLP3).
Page Locks For Space Maps The number of page P-lock requests for space map pages (Field name: QBGLP1).
Page P-Lock Suspensions for Space Maps The number of page P-lock suspensions for space map pages (Field name: QBGLS1).
Page P-Lock Suspensions for Data Pages The number of page P-lock suspensions for data pages (Field name: QBGLS2).
Page P-Lock Suspensions for Index Leaf Pages The number of page P-lock suspensions for index leaf pages (Field name: QBGLS3).
Page Unlocks The number of page P-lock unlock requests (Field name: QBGLU1).
Page in Write Around The number of changed pages that were written to disk through group buffer pool write-around due to conditional write failures to the group buffer pool (Field name: QBGLWA).
Pages Castout The number of pages cast out from the group buffer pool to DASD (Field name: QBGLRC).
Pages Written Via WARM The number of pages that were written using write and register multiple (Field name: QBGLWP).
Participate in GBP rebuild The number of coupling facility requests to write changed pages to the secondary group buffer pool for duplexing (Field name: QBGL2W).
Read Castout Class The number of coupling facility requests to read the castout class (Field name: QBGLCC).
Read Castout Statistics The number of coupling facility requests to read the castout statistics (Field name: QBGLCS).
Read Directory Info The number of coupling facility requests to read directory information (Field name: QBGLRD).
Read Storage Statistics The number of coupling facility requests to read storage statistics. The group buffer pool structure owner issues this request once for each checkpoint (Field name: QBGLOS).
Read for Castout Multiple Requests The number of read-for-castout-multiple requests. Each request is for multiple pages (Field name: QBGLCM).
Read for Castout Requests The number of read-for-castout requests. Each request is for a single page (Field name: QBGLCR).
Reads Prefetch Changed Pages Read After Register The number of coupling facility reads to retrieve a changed page from the group buffer pool as a result of feedback from the request to register a page list. See Reads Prefetch Register Page List Request (QBGLAX). This field refers to Field name: QBGLAY.
Reads Prefetch Register Page List Request The number of requests to register a page list in the coupling facility. Db2 prefetch can do this only if the group buffer pool is allocated in a coupling facility with CFLEVEL=2 or above (Field name: QBGLAX).
Register Page The number of coupling facility requests to register a page (Field name: QBGLRG).
Requests with Async Cross-Invalidation The number of IXLCACHE requests with asynchronous cross-invalidation. (Field name: QBGLWX).
Secondary Async GBP Requests The number of asynchronous requests for the secondary group buffer pool (Field name: QBGL2H).
Secondary Delete Name List The number of group buffer pool requests to the secondary group buffer pool to delete a list of pages after they were cast out from the primary group buffer pool (Field name: QBGL2D).
Secondary Delete Name The number of group buffer pool requests to delete a page from the secondary group buffer pool (Field name: QBGL2N).
Secondary Read Castout Statistics The number of coupling facility requests to read the castout statistics for the secondary group buffer pool (Field name: QBGL2R).
Susp for cross-invalidation to complete The number of suspensions of IXLAXISN that occurred while waiting for asynchronous cross-invalidation operations to complete. (Field name: QBGLAS).
Sync read XI Data returned The number of synchronous coupling facility read requests caused by the buffer that is marked invalid. Data is returned from the group buffer pool (Field name: QBGLXD).
Sync read XI No data returned The number of synchronous coupling facility read requests caused by the buffer that is marked invalid. Data is not returned from the group buffer pool and a directory entry is created if it does not already exist. This means another Db2 in the group has R/W interest in the page set or partition (Field name: QBGLXR).
Synch read (not found) No data returned The number of synchronous coupling facility reads necessary because the requested page was not found in the buffer pool to which data was not returned (Field name: QBGLMR).
Synch-up calls The number of coupling facility asynchronous cross-invalidation service (IXLAXISN) synch-up calls. (Field name: QBGLSU). In general, QBGLSU is less than or equal to QBGLWX because a synch-up call cannot occur without a write request. However, due to the delay between asynchronous cross-invalidation write requests and synch-up calls, QBGLSU might occasionally be greater than QBGLWX.
Synchronous read (not found) Data returned The number of synchronous coupling facility reads necessary because the requested page was not found in the buffer pool to which data was returned from the group buffer pool (Field name: QBGLMD).
Total P-Lock Negotiations The sum of all page P-lock lock negotiations (Field name: SBGLPLN).
Total P-Lock Negotiations Data Pages The number of page P-lock negotiations for data pages (Field name: QBGLN2).
Total P-Lock Negotiations Index leaf Pages The number of page P-lock negotiations for index leaf pages (Field name: QBGLN3).
Total P-Lock Negotiations Space Map Pages The number of page P-lock negotiations for space map pages (Field name: QBGLN1).
Total Lock Suspensions The sum of all page P-lock lock suspensions (Field name: SBGLPLS).
Total P-Page Lock Requests The sum of all page P-lock lock requests (Field name: SBGLPLR).
Unlock Castout The number of coupling facility requests to unlock the castout lock on the pages (Field name: QBGLUN).
Unregister Page The number of coupling facility requests to unregister a page (Field name: QBGLDG).
Write Failed No Storage The number of coupling facility write requests that could not complete because of a lack of coupling facility storage resources (Field name: QBGLWF).
Write and Register Multiple requests The number of write and register multiple (warm) requests. Multiple pages are written for each request (Field name: QBGLWM).
Writes Changed pages Written async The number of changed pages asynchronously written to the group buffer pool under a system execution unit (Field name: QBGLAW).
Writes Changed pages Written sync The number of changed pages synchronously written to the group buffer pool under a user's execution unit (Field name: QBGLSW).
Writes Clean pages Written sync The number of clean pages synchronously written to the group buffer pool under a user's execution unit (Field name: QBGLWC).
GBP ID The group buffer pool ID (Field name: QBGBGN).
Error Flag The status of statistics collection. If this section is nonzero, section QBGN contains no data or partial data. (Field name: QBGBFLGS).
Current Directory Entry The current directory entry to data entry ratio. This is the number of directory entries there are for each data page. This value is given in EBCDIC. (Field name: QBGBGR1).
Pending Directory Entry The pending directory entry to data entry ratio. This is the value specified for the ratio option on the ALTER GROUPBUFFERPOOL command (Field name: QBGBGR2). This value takes effect the next time the group buffer pool is allocated. If an ALTER GROUPBUFFERPOOL command was not issued, the value in this field equals QBGBGR1.
Castout Class The castout class threshold. This is the value specified for the CLASST option on the ALTER GROUPBUFFERPOOL command (Field name: QBGBGCT). This option changes the threshold at which CLASS CASTOUT is started. This value is given in hexadecimal and takes effect immediately.
GBP Threshold The group buffer pool threshold. This is the value specified for the GBPOOLT option on the ALTER GROUPBUFFERPOOL command (Field name: QBGBGGT). This option changes the threshold at which data in the group buffer pool is cast out to DASD. This value is given in hexadecimal and takes effect immediately.
Autorec The current automatic recovery (AUTOREC) setting for the group buffer pool (Field name: QBGBGAS).
GBP Cache The current GBPCACHE setting (Field name: QBGBGCS).
GBP Checkpoint Interval The group buffer pool checkpoint interval in minutes (Field name: QBGBGCK). This is the interval specified on the GBPCHKPT option on the ALTER GROUPBUFFERPOOL command. This option changes the time interval between successive checkpoints of the group buffer pool. This value takes effect immediately.
GBP Size The size of the group buffer pool allocated in 4KB increments (Field name: QBGBGSZ).
Number of Directory Entries The actual number of directory entries that were allocated. A directory entry contains control information for one database page (Field name: QBGBGDR).
Number of Data Entries The actual number of allocated data entries. Data entries are the places where the data pages reside (Field name: QBGBGDT).
Directory Entry Reclaim The number of times that a page name assignment required that a coupling facility directory entry was reclaimed (Field name: QBGBDRR).
Data Entry Reclaim The number of times that a page assignment required that a coupling facility data entry was reclaimed (Field name: QBGBDTR).
Directory Entry Stolen The number of times that a directory entry was stolen and cross-invalidation signals were sent because the page in the directory entry was cached in one or more Db2 buffer pools (Field name: QBGBRXI).
Data Entries Change The number of allocated data entries that are currently in the changed state. This is a snapshot value, not a cumulative value (Field name: QBGBTCC).
GBP Indication The duplex or simplex indication for the group buffer pool (Field name: QBGBDUP).
Secondary GBP Size If the group buffer pool is duplexed, this is the allocated size of the secondary group buffer pool (Field name: QBGBSZ2).
Number of Dir Entries in GBP 2 The actual number of directory entries that were allocated for the secondary group buffer pool. A directory entry contains control information for one database page. This counter is applicable only if the group buffer pool is duplexed (Field name: QBGBGDR2).
Number of Dat Entries in GBP 2 The actual number of data entries that were allocated for the secondary group buffer pool. Data entries are the places where the data pages reside. This counter is applicable only if the group buffer pool is duplexed (Field name: QBGBGDT2).
Class Level The class-level castout threshold, based on the number of pages (Field name: QBGBGCTN).
Data Area Residency Time The data area residency time. This value is the weighted average, in microseconds, of the elapsed time that a data are resides in a group buffer pool before the data area is reclaimed (Field name: QBGBART).
Directory Entry Residency Time The directory entry residency time. This value is the weighted average, in microseconds, of the elapsed time that a directory entry resides in a group buffer pool before the directory entry is reclaimed (Field name: QBGBERT).