Data Manager Statistics attributes
Use these attributes to view information about data manager statistics attributes.
Agent Stor Threshold% Percentage of space that has been used in the work file database by a single agent when Db2 issues an alert. This value is the same as the value of subsystem parameter WFSTGUSE_AGENT_THRESHOLD. (Field name: QISTASTH).
Columns Bypassed This counter records the total number of columns (rows times columns) for which an invalid select procedure was encountered. Invalid select procedures are bypassed by Db2, and this can cause some degradation in performance. A select procedure is made invalid by applying Db2 maintenance that directly affects the select procedure. Plans and packages with invalid select procedures continue to function correctly, but with a small performance degradation. To eliminate this degradation, rebind any plan or package that causes a nonzero value to appear in this column. Rebinding a plan or package re-enables its select procedures. Use IFCID 0224 to determine which plans and packages should be rebound, and to prioritize which rebinds should be done first. (Field name: QISTCOLS).
Conditional Lock Failure Number of failed conditional lock requests during insert operation (Field name: QISTCOND).
Cur 32K TS Stor Used (KB) Total amount of storage that is currently being used for 32KB table spaces, in KB (Field name: QISTW32K).
Cur 4K TS Stor Used (KB) Total amount of storage that is currently being used for 4KB table spaces, in KB (Field name: QISTW4K).
Cur Activ (NONSORT) InMem The number of non-sort-related in-memory data manager work files that are currently active (Field name: QISTI2AC).
Cur Active (DM) In-Memory The number of sort-related in-memory data manager work files that are currently active (Field name: QISTIMAC).
Cur Active (SORT) In-Mem The number of in-memory work files for sorts that are currently active (Field name: QISTSIAC).
Cur DGTT Stor used (KB) The current amount of storage, in KB, that has been used by all agents for declared temporary tables since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTTCTO).
Cur RIDLIST Blk Overflow Number of RID blocks that currently reside in work file storage (Field name: QISTWFRCUR).
Cur RIDList Blocks Number of RID blocks currently in use (Field name: QISTRCUR).
Cur Stor (DM) In-Mem (KB) Total amount of space, in kilobytes, that is used for in-memory work files (Field name: QISTIMSC).
Cur Stor (SORT) In-Mem Total amount of space, in bytes, that was used for currently active in-memory work files for sorts (Field name: QISTSISC).
Cur Tot Storage Used (KB) Current amount of storage that the system is using in the work file database for declared temporary tables and for all other purposed, in KB (Field name: QISTWCTO).
Cur WF Storage Used (KB) The current amount of storage, in KB, that has been used by all agents for uses other than declared temporary tables since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTWFCTO).
Data Sharing Group The Data Sharing Group Name (Field name: GROUP).
DB2 Subsystem The Db2 subsystem ID (Field name: DB2ID).
DB2 Version The Db2 Version (Field name: DB2VER).
Delete Rows Accessed Number of rows that were skipped by read transactions because uncommitted deletes were performed when currently committed read was in effect for fetch operations (Field name: QISTRCCD).
DSG MemberName The Data Sharing Group Member Name (Field name: MEMBER).
Fast Ins Pipes Disabled The number of insert algorithm 2 pipes that were disabled since Db2 restart (Field name: QISTINPD).
FTB Criteria Meet The total number of indexes that meet the criteria for fast index traversal (Field name: QISTFCNT).
FTB In Curr Optimization The number of indexes for which fast index traversal is used during the current in-memory optimization (Field name: QISTFNUC).
FTB In Prev Optimization The number of indexes for which fast index traversal was used during the previous in-memory optimization (Field name: QISTFNUP).
FTB threshold The minimum number of index traversals that need to occur before fast index traversal is used (Field name: QISTTMIN).
FTB Total Memory Alloc The total amount of memory that is allocated on this data sharing member for fast index traversal (Field name: QISTFSIZ).
FTB Traverse Abv Thresh The total number of indexes that meet fast index traversal criteria when the traverse count is above the minimum (Field name: QISTFTBCAN).
In-Mem (NONSORT) Overflow Number of times since the Db2 subsystem started that type 2 in-memory work files overflowed a physical table space (Field name: QISTI2OF).
In-Memory WF NotCreated Number of times since the Db2 subsystem started that a data manager in-memory work file was not created because of a critical storage condition (Field name: QISTIMNC).
InsAlg2 ReEnable Attempt The number of times since Db2 restart that re-enablement of an insert algorithm 2 pipe was attempted (Field name: QISTINPR).
InsAlg2 ReEnable Succeed The number of times since Db2 restart that re-enablement of an insert algorithm 2 pipe was successful (Field name: QISTINPE).
Insert Rows Skipped Number of rows that were skipped by read transactions because uncommitted inserts were performed when currently committed read was in effect for fetch operations (Field name: QISTRCCI).
Interval Start The start time of this interval (Field name: TIMESTAMP).
Max Activ (NONSORT) InMem Maximum number of active non-sort-related, in-memory data manager work files at any point in time since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTI2AH).
Max Active (DM) In-Mem Maximum number of active sort-related, in-memory data manager work files at any point in time since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTIMAH).
Max Active (SORT) In-Mem Maximum number of active in-memory work files for sorts at any point in time since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTSIAH).
Max Agent Stor Limit (KB) Maximum amount of storage that can be used for each agent, in KB. Corresponds to the maxtemps subsystem parameter value. (Field name: QISTWMXA).
Max Agent Stor Used (KB) The largest amount of storage in the work file database, in KB, that has been used by a single agent since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTAMXU).
Max DGTT Stor Used (KB) The largest amount of storage in the work file database, in KB, that has been used by all agents for declared temporary tables since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTTMXU).
Max RIDLIST Blk Overflow Highest number of RID blocks that overflowed to a work file at any time since Db2 startup (Field name: QISTWFRHIG).
Max RIDList Blocks Highest number of RID blocks in use at any one time since Db2 startup (Field name: QISTRHIG).
Max Stor (DM) In-Mem (KB) Maximum amount of space, in kilobytes, that was used for active in-memory work files at any point in time since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTIMSH).
Max Stor (SORT) In-Mem Maximum amount of space, in bytes, that was used for active in-memory work files for sorts at any point in time since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTSISH).
Max Stor UseLmt Exceeded Number of times that the maximum amount of storage that an agent can use was exceeded (Field name: QISTWFNE).
Max Tot Storage Used (KB) Maximum total amount of storage that the system has used in the work file database since Db2 startup for declared temporary tables and for all other purposed, in KB. This value is 0 at Db2 restart. (Field name: QISTWMXU).
Max WF Storage Used (KB) The largest amount of storage in the work file database, in KB, that has been used by all agents for uses other than declared temporary tables since the Db2 subsystem started (Field name: QISTWFMXU).
MVS System ID The MVS identifier (Field name: MVSID).
Num of Fast Insert Pipes The number of insert algorithm 2 pipes that were allocated since Db2 restart (Field name: QISTINPA).
Originating System The managed system name of the agent. Valid format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 32 characters; example, DB91:SYS1:DB2. (Field name: ORIGINNODE).
RL-DM Limit Exceeded Number of times RID list processing interrupted because the number of RID entries was greater than the physical limit of approximately 16.6 million RIDs (Field name: QISTRPLM).
RL PROC-No Storage Number of times RID list processing exhausted virtual storage (Field name: QISTRSTG).
RL-Proc Limit Exceeded The number of times the maximum RID pool storage was exceeded. The size is determined by the installation parameter RID POOL SIZE (DB2 install panel DSNTIPC). It can be 0, or between 128 KB and 10 GB. The general formula for calculating the RID pool size is: (Number of concurrent RID processing activities) x (average number of RIDs) x 2 x (5 bytes per RID). (Field name: QISTRMAX).
RL-RDS Limit Exceeded Number of times RID list processing interrupted because the number of RID entries was greater than the threshold which is set for a variety of reasons (e.g., 25% of table size or to facilitate incremental processing of the RIDs). (Field name: QISTRLLM).
Tot DGTT Stor Config (KB) The total amount of storage in the work file database, in KB, that is configured for declared temporary tables (Field name: QISTTSTG).
Tot Insync ZIIP Eligible Accumulated CPU time, since Db2 was started, that was consumed by asynchronous log reader tasks on standard processors, and those tasks were eligible for execution on an IBM ZIIP (Field name: QISTLRZE).
Tot Storage Threshold% Percentage of space that has been used in the work file database by all agents in the subsystem when Db2 issues an alert. This value is the same as the value of subsystem parameter WFSTGUSE_SYSTEM_THRESHOLD. (Field name: QISTSSTH).
Tot WF Stor Config (KB) The total amount of storage in the work file database, in KB, that is configured for uses other than declared temporary tables (Field name: QISTWFSTG).
Total Insync CPU Time Accumulated CPU time that is consumed by all asynchronous log reader tasks since Db2 was started. This value does not include CPU consumed on an IBM ZIIP. (Field name: QISTLRCP).
Total Insync ZIIP Time Accumulated CPU time that is consumed on an IBM ZIIP by all asynchronous log reader tasks since Db2 was started (Field name: QISTLRZI).
Total Stor Config (KB) The current amount of storage, in KB, that is configured for all table spaces in the work file database (Field name: QISTWSTG).
Uncond Lock Retries Number of times a failed conditional lock request has been retired with an unconditional lock request (Field name: QISTRETR).
Update Rows Accessed Number of rows that were accessed by read transactions while uncommitted updates existed, because currently committed read behavior was in effect for fetch operations (Field name: QISTRCCU).
Used 32K Instead 4K TS Number of times that space in a 32KB-page table space was used because space in a 4KB-page table space was not available (Field name: QISTWFP1).
Used 4K Instead 32K TS Number of times that space in a 4KB-page table space was used because space in a 32KB-page table space was not available (Field name: QISTWFP2).