Configuring ISPF defaults
BPOJVARS is a REXX EXEC in the library hlqdb2pe.TKO2SAMP that you can use to configure defaults for the ISPF dialog.
- Enter the following command in ISPF option 6 (TSO Command
Processor) to run the EXEC:
The following panel shows the parameters.BPOJOPTS IBM Db2 Buffer Pool Analyzer Customization Complete fields as indicated, then press Enter. Type requested names z/OS subsystem name . . . DGOV Load library . . . . . . .'BPO540.TKANMOD' Select option with '/' / Load library is in the system LNKLST concatenation F1=Help F2=Split F9=Swap F12=Cancel
- Check the following parameters and configure them for your environment:
- z/OS® subsystem name
- Load library name
- Load library in the system LNKLST concatenation
- Complete the panel fields and press Enter.
Message BPOJ0008 is displayed.
In the following example, the name of the load library is changed and the load library is in the system LNKLST concatenation.
BPOJOPTS IBM Db2 Buffer Pool Analyzer Customization Complete fields as indicated, then press Enter. Type requested names z/OS subsystem name . . . DGOV Load library . . . . . . .'SYS1.TKANMOD' Select option with '/' / Load library is in the system LNKLST concatenation F1=Help F2=Split F9=Swap F12=Cancel