Configuration summary for Buffer Pool Analyzer
Follow the installation instructions in the Program Directory that is included with Buffer Pool Analyzer. After you install Buffer Pool Analyzer, you must configure the tool by using the instructions in this topic.
The SMP/E installation of Buffer Pool Analyzer is described in Program Directory for IBM® Tivoli®OMEGAMON® for Db2 Performance Expert on z/OS.
This topic describes how to configure the setup of Buffer Pool Analyzer. It also explains the mandatory or optional setup steps, and shows the corresponding authorizations that you need to perform each step.
The product image is installed from tape to the high-level qualifier hlqdb2pe. Before you start the configuration, you should create other data sets to which sample members are to be copied and where sample members are to be changed. This prevents your sample members from being overwritten, for example, when you install a program temporary fix (PTF).