Authorizations for a typical configuration

The following table indicates authorizations required to complete each step of a typical configuration.

Table 1. Required authorizations for setup steps
Step Authorization
Granting Db2 privileges

GRANT privileges and Db2 administration rights

Binding Buffer Pool Analyzer packages for Db2

The following Db2 privileges:

  • PACKADM on collection BPO540
  • SELECT on the following catalog tables:

GRANT statements to support these authorizations are included in section 1 of the DDL member BPOYAUTH.

Binding Db2 plan

The Db2 privilege BINDADD

Reviewing security requirements

The following Db2 privileges:

  • EXECUTE on the Buffer Pool Analyzer plan (K02PLAN)
  • MONITOR1 privilege
  • MONITOR2 privilege
  • TRACE and DISPLAY privilege
  • Resource Access Control Facility (RACF®) administrator
  • PCF administrator

GRANT statements to support these authorizations are included in section 2 of the DDL member BPOYAUTH.

Changing the FPEJINIT EXEC

Configuring ISPF defaults

Adding Buffer Pool Analyzerto your ISPF environment

Authorizations required for these steps.