Object Activity Summary
This panel shows a high-level analysis of Getpage and I/O activity from a Db2 database perspective.
________________ ZOJOS VTM O2 V550.#P SE12 11/05/13 17:54:42 2
> Help PF1 Back PF3 Up PF7 Down PF8 Sort PF10 Zoom PF11
> O.B
> OBJECT ANALYSIS: Enter a selection letter on the top line.
+ Interval Time = 00:15:00 Interval Elapsed = 00:11:48
+ Total Getpage = 18 Total I/O = 6
+ *
+ % of % of Getp Sync Pre Async Other
+ Database Getp I/O per RIO Getpage Read Fetch Write Write
+ -------- ------ ------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -----
+ DSNDB01 33.3% 100.0% 1 6 6 0 0 0
+ DSNDB06 66.6% .0% 0 12 0 0 0 0
If you move the cursor to any entry in a column and press F10, OMEGAMON® for Db2 PE will sort on that column.
For additional
information about
- a particular database, move the cursor to the database line and press F11 (Zoom). For more information, see the description of panel Database Activity.
- related display options, select option E-Display Options. For more information, see the description of panel Display Options For Object Activity Summary And Object Allocation Summary Displays.
- related topics, select one of the options on the top of the panel.
- other topics, use the PF keys.
- Interval Time
- The collection interval currently in use by the object analysis collector. At the end of this time interval, the collector resets its collection statistics.
- Interval Elapsed
- The elapsed time within the current collection interval. It is the period of time for which the displayed information is applicable.
- Total Getpage
- The total number of Getpage requests since the beginning of the collection interval.
- Total I/O
- The total number of I/O requests since the beginning of the collection interval.
- Database
- The name of a database that has incurred Getpage or I/O activity.
- % of Getp
- The percentage of total Getpage activity that is applicable to the database.
- % of I/O
- The percentage of total I/O activity that is applicable to the database.
- Getp per RIO
- The Getpage to Read I/O ratio for the database. This ratio is computed by dividing Getpage by Sync Read + Pre Fetch.
- Getpage
- The number of Getpage requests for the database.
- Sync Read
- The number of synchronous reads for the database.
- Pre Fetch
- The number of prefetch Read I/Os for the database.
- Async Write
- The number of asynchronous writes for the database.
- Other Write
- The number of immediate and format writes for the database.