Object Activity Summary

This panel shows a high-level analysis of Getpage and I/O activity from a Db2 database perspective.

________________ ZOJOS    VTM     O2       V550.#P SE12 11/05/13 17:54:42   2 
> Help PF1      Back PF3      Up PF7      Down PF8     Sort PF10     Zoom PF11 
> O.B                                                                          
>       OBJECT ANALYSIS:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.            
>                           OBJECT ACTIVITY SUMMARY                            
+ Interval Time   = 00:15:00                       Interval Elapsed = 00:11:48 
+ Total Getpage   =       18                       Total I/O        =        6 
+ *                                                                            
+           % of    % of   Getp               Sync     Pre      Async    Other 
+ Database  Getp    I/O    per RIO   Getpage  Read     Fetch    Write    Write 
+ --------  ------  ------ --------- -------  -------  -------  -------  ----- 
+ DSNDB01    33.3%  100.0%         1       6        6        0        0      0 
+ DSNDB06    66.6%     .0%         0      12        0        0        0      0 

If you move the cursor to any entry in a column and press F10, OMEGAMON® for Db2 PE will sort on that column.


For additional information about


Interval Time
The collection interval currently in use by the object analysis collector. At the end of this time interval, the collector resets its collection statistics.
Interval Elapsed
The elapsed time within the current collection interval. It is the period of time for which the displayed information is applicable.
Total Getpage
The total number of Getpage requests since the beginning of the collection interval.
Total I/O
The total number of I/O requests since the beginning of the collection interval.
The name of a database that has incurred Getpage or I/O activity.
% of Getp
The percentage of total Getpage activity that is applicable to the database.
% of I/O
The percentage of total I/O activity that is applicable to the database.
Getp per RIO
The Getpage to Read I/O ratio for the database. This ratio is computed by dividing Getpage by Sync Read + Pre Fetch.
The number of Getpage requests for the database.
Sync Read
The number of synchronous reads for the database.
Pre Fetch
The number of prefetch Read I/Os for the database.
Async Write
The number of asynchronous writes for the database.
Other Write
The number of immediate and format writes for the database.