Support for monitoring group buffer pool residency times
Performance Expert allows you to monitor average
residency times in real time and perform Batch record traces. This enables you to
better understand the impact that the new IBM z16 hardware will have on your
The respective Db2 instrumentation changes are in IFCID 230 (Group Buffer Pool Attributes) and
IFCID 254 (Coupling Facility Cache Structure Statistics).
BATCH reporting support
The RECTRACE report does support the data and entry residency times as follows:
Real-time monitoring support
The need to support the data area and data and directory entry residency times spawns the
Performance Expert Client interface as
well as the Enhanced 3270 User Interface.
For the Performance Expert Client, support is added to the “Global GBP
details” section (FCID 254) in the Statistics Details pages (see
“Data area Residency time” and “Directory entry Residency time”
Furthermore, the Global Buffer Pool attributes changes are visible in the System Parameter page,
subsection “Group Buffer Pools” and then drill down:
From an Enhanced 3270 User Interface perspective, the data can be monitored
from the System Statistics main workspace by navigating to the
Buffer Pool workspace and then selecting the “Group Buffer Pool”
tab. On zoom in to the respective Group Buffer Pools select the
subtab “Performance Counters” which will show the residency times
(see highlighted fields):
For the Global Buffer Pool attributes display, also follow the System Statistics main workspace
by navigating to the Buffer Pool workspace and then selecting the “Global Buffer Pool” tab. Upon
zoom in to the respective Global Buffer Pool you will see the residency times (see highlighted