EDM Pool Workspace

The EDM Pool workspace provides an overview of the Environmental Descriptor Manager (EDM) pool activity connected with DB2. The workspace layout depends on the DB2 version installed.

The EDM Pool workspace prior to DB2 10 is comprised of the following views:

EDM Statistics (table view)
Lists total counts, counts during the last sample period, and the "per second" count for a variety of tasks associated with the EDM pool.
EDM Pool Load Activity Summary (bar chart view)
Provides activity details of the EDM pool, including the number of pages dedicated to a type of pool usage and the percentage of the EDM pool dedicated to that type of usage.
EDM Pool Utilization (bar chart view)
Shows the relative distribution of available pages, cursor table pages, database descriptor pages, and package table pages.

You can use the HTML navigation feature to navigate from one workspace to another, while passing context information to the next workspace. The workspaces that belong to the same functional unit are linked using HTML navigation. Tivoli Enterprise Portal workspaces are grouped into the following units: Thread Summary workspaces, Thread Detail workspaces, and Statistics workspaces.

Based on the information that this workspace provides, you can recommend changes, set up situations, and verify that your recommended changes improve system performance.

Note: If DB2 10 is installed, click the navigation link EDM Pool (DB2 10 ) in the EDM Statistics view to open the EDM Pool (DB2 10) Workspace.