Bind Processing window
Use the Bind Processing window to view statistics on plans successfully bound, attempts to REBIND a plan, automatic binds, and attempts to FREE a plan.
To display this window, select
Bind Processing
the DB2® Statistics Detail panel.
The Bind Processing window consists of the following sections:
- Bind
- This section shows statistics on bind events. These events occur when an explicit Db2 BIND subcommand is issued to bind a plan or package.
- Rebind
- This section shows statistics on rebind events. These events occur when an explicit Db2 REBIND subcommand is issued to rebind an existing plan or package.
- Autobind
- This section shows statistics on autobind events. These events occur if the plan becomes invalid since the last time the plan was bound. In this case, Db2 rebinds the plan before the plan is executed.
- Free
- This section shows statistics on free events. These events occur when an explicit Db2 FREE subcommand is issued to remove a Db2 plan or package from the Db2 catalog and directory.