Logging on to a Performance Warehouse manually

To log on to a Performance Warehouse manually, click the Performance Warehouse toolbar button (Performance Warehouse toolbar button) in the System Overview window.

The Expert page of the Performance Warehouse window is displayed. The folders pane lists, under the z/OS folder, the DB2 connection alias of all Performance Warehouse systems to which you previously logged on or that you added manually (see Managing Performance Warehouse systems).

If no Performance Warehouse systems are listed because you are working with Performance Warehouse for the first time or the Performance Warehouse of your choice is not listed, add the Performance Warehouse systems you need. For more information refer to Managing Performance Warehouse systems.

Click the Performance Warehouse to which you want to log on and click Selected > Connect to open the Connect to Performance Warehouse window.

Specify your DB2 user ID and your password and then click OK.

You are logged on to the specified Performance Warehouse. You can now work with the items listed on the displayed page of the Performance Warehouse window or move to another page to perform a different set of tasks.