Saving disk space if thread history is not in use

If you don't need thread history, there are several ways you can save disk resources by disabling collection and storage of unnecessary data.

About this task

You can disable near term history data collection, sequential data collection, or Enhanced 3270UI thread history collection to save disk space.

By default, the thread history parameter (KD2_PFnn_HIS_START) is set to N. In such a case, the WRITEOPTION parameter is set to NONE and no data sets are allocated. If you change KD2_PFnn_HIS_START to Y, the WRITEOPTION parameter is set to VSAM, SEQ, THVSAM, or any combination of these, based on the value of the KD2_PFnn_HIS_STORE parameter. Corresponding data sets will be allocated as well.

Note: These space-saving steps will work only for new runtime environments (RTEs), as PARMGEN does not delete any thread history data sets allocated earlier.

If you are a new PARMGEN user, see Implementation scenarios in the OMEGAMON shared publications. This will explain how to use PARMGEN to configure OMEGAMON for DB2. The steps that follow assume that you have some knowledge of PARMGEN.


  1. Log into PARMGEN.
  2. Create a new runtime environment (RTE).
  3. Set the KD2_PFnn_HIS_STORE parameter to, for example, THVSAM.
  4. Set the KD2_PFnn_HIS_START parameter to Y.
  5. Update dependent parameters: data set number, since you selected the THVSAM option.
  6. Run the $PARSE and SUBMIT steps in PARMGEN. The jobs that need to be run will depend on your SMP/E maintenance and upgrade scenario. For example, you may just need to run the KCIJPW2R job, or you may need to run allocation jobs such as ALLOCDS, TCRV&dbid, and HCRV&dbid. Consult the IBM Documentation topic SMP/E maintenance and upgrade scenarios for more information.
  7. Verify that the COPT&dbid file has been generated correctly.
  8. Verify that all data sets mentioned in the COPT&dbid member have been generated.