z/OS system ID
- Description
The name of the z/OS system that the DB2 subsystem runs on. The z/OS system name that you specify here is used to replace the %SY% variable in data set names. If you specify a data set name for a monitoring profile, for example the name of a Near-Term History VSAM log data set, you can use %SY% as a variable for the z/OS system name. If you enable 'Add JES2 JOBPARM SYSAFF to jobs' (KD2_OMPE_SYSAFF), the z/OS system name is used to generate the SYSAFF parameter in the jobcards of the BIND and GRANT jobs generated for the different DB2 subsystems.
- Required or optional
- Required
- Default value
- PARMGEN provided SMFID symbol
- Locations where the parameter value is stored
- Location 1
- In the CRTDB2 member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKD2SAM library
- Output line
- Location 2
- In the CRTDB2M member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKD2PRF library
- Output line
- Location 3
- In the DB2PROF member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKD2PRF library
- Output line
- In the Configuration Tool (ICAT)
- Panel name
- Global Control Parameters
- Panel ID
- KD261PI
- Panel field
- z/OS system ID (SMFID)
- Default value
- Batch parameter name
- PARMGEN name
- PARMGEN classification