Creating a rule-of-thumb cluster

You can create a rule-of-thumb cluster using a template. Templates are displayed under the Public rule-of-thumb group. To create a cluster using a template, copy the template, and then change the copy.

To create a rule-of-thumb cluster without a template:
  1. In the folders pane of the Performance Warehouse window, click Rule-of-Thumb Clusters and then click Selected > Create.

    The Rule-of-Thumb Cluster Properties window is displayed.

    The Author, Creation date and time, and Modification date and time fields are filled in when you click OK. The Author field will contain your DB2® user ID.

  2. Specify a unique name for the rule-of-thumb group in the Name field.
  3. In the Scope list, click one of the following:
    • private if you do not want to make this rule-of-thumb cluster available to other users.
    • public if you want other users to view, copy, and use this rule-of-thumb cluster as a template.
  4. You can type a description for the rule-of-thumb cluster in the Description field.
  5. Click OK to save the new rule-of-thumb cluster and return to the Performance Warehouse window.

    The new rule-of-thumb cluster appears as a subitem of Rule-of-Thumb Clusters and contains the subitem Rules of Thumb.

    To ensure name uniqueness throughout the rules-of-thumb-group folder, the rule-of-thumb cluster is displayed under the following name: user.rotgroup.rotclustername, where user stands for the DB2 user ID of the rule-of-thumb cluster creator, rotgroup for the rule-of-thumb group that this rule-of-thumb cluster belongs to, and rotclustername for the name of the rule-of-thumb cluster.