Viewing details of a selected thread
You can get more details of a thread by double-clicking it in the Thread Summary window to open the Thread Details window.
The Overview pane of the Thread Details window shows the main counters of the selected thread. The folders pane lists additional counter categories. You can get more details on a counter category by clicking it in the folders pane.
If a thread has children, the children are listed on the Parallel Threads pane. You can get more details on a child by double-clicking it.
The folders pane of the Thread Details window lists the counter categories. The contents pane shows the counters for the selected counter category. You can get more details on a counter category by clicking it in the folders pane.
Some DB2® counters are also shown as percentages in bar charts, stacked to 100%. Each bar in the chart represents a snapshot and reflects several counters. The percentages of these counters are shown proportionately and accumulated to add up to 100%. Click the bar chart to see which counters are represented. You can increase or decrease the number of snapshots that are shown in a bar chart by using the plus (+) and minus (-) signs next to the x-axis of the chart.
- You run periodic exception processing
- You specified a warning threshold, problem threshold, or both
- A counter value falls below or above a threshold
On the SQL Statement pane, you see the text of the SQL statement that was recently performed by the thread. You can view the access plan for this statement in graphical format by clicking Explain. Refer to Using Explain products to analyze and improve SQL statements for more information. If the statement text is much longer than the space provided and, therefore, difficult to read, you can view it in another window. Click View Statement in New Window.
- The Thread Details window shows part of its performance information
in tables. In contents panes containing a table:
- You can filter the entries listed. For more information refer to Filtering threads.
- One or more columns might be hidden. For information about how to view hidden counters, to hide counters that you are not interested in, or to change the order of the columns, refer to Customizing table columns.
- You can choose to view details on a table entry in another window or on a notebook page. For more information, refer to Viewing details on a table entry in a contents pane.
- Performance counter values that are too long are truncated. For information about how to view the entire value, refer to Viewing long performance counter values.
- If you are working in different time zones, refer to Working in different time zones for more information.