Viewing all connected threads

You can display all active threads connected to a DB2® subsystem or a member of a data sharing group.

To do this, you can choose one of the following ways:
  • In the System Overview window, select the DB2 subsystem or member of the data sharing group in the folders pane and then click the Thread Summary toolbar button (Thread Summary toolbar button).
  • You can also use the menu bar or pop-up menu: click the DB2 subsystem or member of the data sharing group in the folders pane, then click Selected > Monitor > Thread Summary on the menu bar or Monitor > Thread Summary on the pop-up menu.

If you are not connected to the selected DB2 subsystem, you are prompted to log on.

The Thread Summary window is displayed. It contains the key performance counters for all connected threads. If a thread has children, the number shown in the Parallel Threads column includes the parent thread.

To refresh the thread activity data, in the toolbar, select Automatic in the Refresh field. By default, values are updated every six seconds. To change the interval, click in the time field next to the Refresh field and overtype the value according to your requirements.

Related information:
  • If the Thread Summary window lists too many threads, you can filter them. For more information refer to Filtering threads.
  • You can sort the threads in the window. For more information, see Sorting threads.
  • The Thread Summary window shows the key performance counters in a table. One or more columns might be hidden. For information about how to view hidden counters, to hide counters that you are not interested in, or to change the order of the columns, refer to Customizing table columns.
  • If you are monitoring a member of a data sharing group, refer to Monitoring data sharing groups for more information.
  • If you are working in different time zones, refer to Working in different time zones for more information.