Setting up TCP/IP services

The OMEGAMON Collector uses OpenEdition to perform TCP/IP services. If you plan to use Performance Expert Client, you must configure the OMEGAMON Collector to use TCP/IP services. This means that the user ID and the connected group ID of the OMEGAMON Collector must be known to OpenEdition and have sufficient OpenEdition privileges.

Before you begin

Perform this task only if you plan to use Performance Expert Client.

If you perform this task, ensure that you have system administrator privileges for your security system, for example RACF® SPECIAL for RACF security.

About this task

OpenEdition can be used by user IDs that have a valid OMVS segment in the RACF user profile. Add the OMVS segment to the user ID of the OMEGAMON® Collector by performing the following steps:


  1. Assign a UID in the OMVS segment to the RACF user profile of the OMEGAMON Collector user ID.
    Issue the following command:
    ALTUSER <OMEGAMON Collector user ID> OMVS(UID(0))
    where <OMEGAMON Collector user ID> is the user ID that the OMEGAMON Collector started task is connected to.
    Note: The usage of special TCP/IP services requires that the user ID of the OMEGAMON Collector has root privileges in OpenEdition. To minimize the impact of granting the OpenEdition root privilege, use a user ID for the OMEGAMON Collector started task that is not a valid TSO user ID.
  2. Optional: If you connected the OMEGAMON Collector started task to a user ID and a group ID, you need to assign a GID in the OMVS segment to the group ID.
    Issue the following command:
    ALTGROUP <OMEGAMON Collector group ID> OMVS(GID(<gid>))
    where <OMEGAMON Collector group ID> is the group ID that the OMEGAMON Collector started task is connected to. Replace <gid> with a valid and free group ID in OpenEdition. You can use the LISTGRP OMVS command of RACF to get an overview about the currently used group IDs in OpenEdition.