Volume Dataset Activity

This panel shows activity information for all data sets that have incurred I/O activities to a single volume. Use this information to analyze I/O activity for a single volume from a DB2 database/spacename perspective.

________________ ZOJV3    VTM     O2       V540.#P SE12 11/06/13 10:27:33   2 
> Help PF1      Back PF3      Up PF7      Down PF8     Sort PF10     Zoom PF11 
>         OBJECT ANALYSIS:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.          
> *-VOLUME DS ACTIVITY                                       C-THREAD ACTIVITY 
>                          VOLUME DATASET ACTIVITY                             
+ Interval Time   = 00:05:00                      Interval Elapsed   = 00:02:49
+ Volume/Unit     = PMOSDB/4C2F                   Total I/O Rate/sec =       .0
+ Device Type     = 3390                          DB2   I/O Rate/sec =       .0
+ Database = DSN00212       Spacename = FOO                                    
+ *                                                                            
+                Vol       -------I/O Rates------     --------I/O Counts-------
+ DSN    Exts    Use %     Total   Read    Write      Total    Read     Write  
+ ---    ----    ------    ------  ------  ------     -------  -------  -------
+ 001       1    100.0%        .0      .0      .0           2        1        1

If you move the cursor to any entry in a column and press F10, OMEGAMON® XE for Db2 PE will sort on that column.


For additional information about
  • a particular data set, move the cursor to the DSN line and press F11 (Zoom). For more information, see the description of panel Volume Dataset/Extent Activity.
  • related topics, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


Interval Time
The collection interval currently in use by the object analysis collector. At the end of this time interval, the collector resets its collection statistics.
Interval Elapsed
The elapsed time within the current collection interval. It is the period of time for which the displayed information is applicable.
The name and address of the volume.
Total I/O Rate/sec
The total number of I/Os per second for the volume. This value is from an MVS perspective. If the volume is shared by multiple MVS systems, this value might not reflect all I/O activity to the volume.
Device Type
The device type of the volume displayed.
Db2 I/O Rate/sec
The total number of I/Os per second (for the volume) originating from the Db2 subsystem being monitored. This is a subset of total I/Os per second if I/O to the volume is also occurring from address spaces other than the DB2 subsystem being monitored.
The name of the selected database.
The name of the selected space.
The number of a data set that incurred I/O activity.
The number of allocated extents that have incurred I/O activity since the beginning of the collection interval.
Vol Use %
The percentage of Db2 I/O activity to the volume that is attributable to the spacename. This ratio is computed by dividing the total I/O rate for the database/spacename by the total spacename I/O rate to the volume.
Total I/O Rate
The total I/O rate (per second) that is attributable to the space for the time elapsed.
Read I/O Rate
The Read I/O rate (per second) that is attributable to the space for the time elapsed.
Write I/O Rate
The Write I/O rate (per second) that is attributable to the space for the time elapsed.
Total I/O Count
The total I/O count that is attributable to the space for the time elapsed.
Read I/O Count
The number of reads that are attributable to the space for the time elapsed.
Write I/O Count
The number of writes that are attributable to the space for the time elapsed.