Thread Activity by Database
This panel shows activity information for each thread that generated I/O activity for a selected Db2 database during the collection interval.
________________ ZOJT6 VTM O2 V540.#P SE12 11/06/13 10:18:14 2
> Help PF1 Back PF3 Up PF7 Down PF8 Sort PF10
+ Interval Time = 00:05:00 Interval Elapsed = 00:03:30
+ Total Getpage = 634319 Total I/O = 0
+ Database = DSNDB06
+ *
+ Sync ------ Prefetch I/O -----
+ Planname Authid Correlation Getpage Read Seq List Dynamic
+ -------- -------- ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
+ DISTSERV MIS db2bp.exe 243299 0 0 0 0
+ DISTSERV MIS db2bp.exe 138328 0 0 0 0
+ DISTSERV MIS db2bp.exe 133471 0 0 0 0
+ DISTSERV MIS db2bp.exe 112856 0 0 0 0
+ DSNESPCS MIS MIS 6234 0 0 0 0
If you move the cursor to any entry in a column and press F10, OMEGAMON® XE for Db2 PE will sort on that column.
For additional information about other topics, use the PF keys.
- Interval Time
- The collection interval currently in use by the object analysis collector. At the end of this time interval, the collector resets its collection statistics.
- Interval Elapsed
- The elapsed time within the current collection interval. It is the period of time for which the displayed information is applicable.
- Total Getpage
- The total number of Getpage requests since the beginning of the collection interval.
- Total I/O
- The total number of I/O requests since the beginning of the collection interval.
- Database
- The name of the selected database for which thread activity has occurred.
- Planname
- The name of the plan associated with the thread.
- Authid
- The authid associated with the thread.
- Correlation
- The correlation ID associated with the thread.
- Getpage
- The number of Getpage requests made by the thread.
- Sync Read
- The number synchronous reads made by the thread.
- Sequential Prefetch
- The number of Sequential Prefetch Read I/Os made by the thread.
- List Prefetch
- The number of List Prefetch Read I/Os made by the thread.