MVS System Console and Message Traffic

Use this panel to issue MVS commands and to display MVS console messages.

 ________________ ZCOMVS1  VTM     O2       V540.#P SE12 MM/DD/YY  HH:MM:SS   2 
>       Help PF1           Back PF3           Up PF7           Down PF8        
> C.                                                                           
>                    MVS SYSTEM CONSOLE AND MESSAGE TRAFFIC                    
> To issue an MVS command, type the command after OCMD and press ENTER.        
> Change 10 to the number of lines of MVS messages you want to display.        
 CONS           Console 01C0 ( Id=0000000A )                                   
+  -  REMOTE   MEMBER DBE1     PMO3                                            
+  - 09.16.52 PMO4 STC04859  FPEV0188I  MSTR SN11 IGNORED   N         910      
+  -  LOCAL    SINGLE          PMO4                                            
+  - 09.16.52 PMO4 STC04859  FPEV0188I  MSTR SN12 IGNORED   N         910      
+  -  LOCAL    SINGLE          PMO4                                            
+  - 09.16.52 PMO4 STC04859  FPEV0188I  MSTR SAD  IGNORED   N         910      
+  -  LOCAL    SINGLE          PMO4                                            
+  - 09.16.52 PMO4 STC04859  FPEV0188I  MSTR D941 IGNORED   N         910      
+  -  LOCAL    SINGLE          PMO4                                            
+  - 09.16.52 PMO4 STC04859  FPEV0057I  MSTR DISPLAY COMMAND OUTPUT ENDS       

This panel might require special authorization before you can enter Db2 commands. Type /PWD on the top line of the panel, enter a valid password when requested, then press Enter. Then follow the instructions to issue Db2 commands.


For additional information about other topics, use the PF keys.


After you type an MVS command and press Enter, OMEGAMON® XE for Db2 PE displays a message that indicates whether the command was issued successfully. See the output of the MVS messages below CONS to see the results of the command you issued. For information about valid MVS commands, see z/OS® MVS System Commands.
Determines the ID of the console buffer to display.
Displays the last nn lines of the output buffer for the MVS operator console. Here, it displays the last 10 lines.