Dataset Allocations
This panel provides allocation information for a single DB2 data set.
This display helps you evaluate data set size, data set extents, and data set placement.
________________ ZOJA3 VTM O2 V540.#P SE12 11/05/13 17:53:21 2
> Help PF1 Back PF3 Up PF7 Down PF8 Sort PF10
+ Database = DSNDB01 Spacename = SPT01 Type = PART BY GROWTH TS
+ Dataset = 001 Volumes = 6 Exts = 21
+ Space = 5910 Trks
+ *
+ Low High Low High
+ Extent Volume CCHH CCHH Page Page Extent Space
+ ------ ------ -------- -------- ------ ------ ---------------
+ 001 PMOSD5 05A40000 0607000E 000000 000897 1500 Trks
+ 002 PMOSD5 0EB00000 0ECA000E 000898 000AE9 405 Trks
+ 003 PMOSD5 15A50000 15AD000E 000AEA 000BAF 135 Trks
+ 004 PMOSD5 15AF0000 15FC000E 000BB0 001263 1170 Trks
+ 005 PMOSD5 1C380000 1C49000E 001264 0013EF 270 Trks
+ 006 PMOSD5 4A9D0000 4AB0000E 0013F0 0015A7 300 Trks
+ 007 PMOSD5 1AC10000 1AD6000E 0015A8 00178B 330 Trks
+ 008 PMOSD5 20370000 204E000E 00178C 00199B 360 Trks
+ 009 PMOSD5 22C30000 22DC000E 00199C 001BD7 390 Trks
+ 010 PMOSD4 0EFA0000 0F12000E 001BD8 001DFD 375 Trks
+ 011 PMOSD4 0F9C0000 0F9E000E 001DFE 001E3F 45 Trks
+ 012 PMOSD4 01D40000 01D4000E 001E40 001E55 15 Trks
+ 013 PMOSD4 0E010000 0E01000E 001E56 001E6B 15 Trks
+ 014 PMOSD9 0ABB0000 0ABB000E 001E6C 001E81 15 Trks
+ 015 PMOSD9 0ABD0000 0ABD000E 001E82 001E97 15 Trks
+ 016 PMOSD9 14640000 1464000E 001E98 001EAD 15 Trks
+ 017 PMOSDA 476A0000 476B000E 001EAE 001ED9 30 Trks
+ 018 PMOSD1 475B0000 475B000E 001EDA 001EEF 15 Trks
+ 019 PMOSD1 4F320000 4F32000E 001EF0 001F05 15 Trks
+ 020 PMOSD1 64AA0000 64AA000E 001F06 001F1B 15 Trks
+ 021 PMOSD7 52B60000 52D5000E 001F1C 0021DB 480 Trks
If you move the cursor to any entry in a column and press F10, OMEGAMON® XE for Db2 PE will sort on that column.
For additional
information about
- related topics, select one of the options on the top of the panel.
- other topics, use the PF keys.
- Database
- The name of the database that owns the space.
- Spacename
- The name of the space that owns the data set.
- Type
- The spacename type. Possible values:
- An index
- A clone of an index
- A LOB tablespace
- A partitioned index
- A partitioned tablespace
- A segmented tablespace
- A simple tablespace
- A clone of an universal tablespace
- A partition by growth universal tablespace
- A partition by range universal tablespace
- An XML tablespace
- Undetermined
This can occur if the database DBD is currently not loaded in the EDM pool.
- Dataset
- The sequence number of the selected data set.
- Volumes
- The number of volumes in use by the data set.
- Exts
- The number of data set extents allocated by the data set.
- Space
- The total amount of space currently allocated by the data set.
- Extent
- The sequence number of the extent.
- Volume
- The volume in which the extent is allocated.
- Low CCHH
- The beginning cylinder and head address on the volume where the extent is located.
- High CCHH
- The ending cylinder and head address on the volume where the extent is located.
- Low Page
- The beginning page number contained in the extent. This value is displayed in hexadecimal.
- High Page
- The ending page number contained in the extent. This value is displayed in hexadecimal.
- Extent Space
- The amount of space allocated by the extent. This value is expressed in tracks.