Application Trace SQL Index

This panel shows one line of summary information about each SQL statement associated with the unit of work you are investigating.

The SQL calls are presented in the order of their execution.

You can select a particular call for detailed analysis by placing the cursor on that line and pressing the zoom key.

 ________________ ZATSI    VTM     O2       V540./C D931 02/27/14 20:23:57   3  
> Help PF1         Back PF3         Up PF7         Down PF8         Zoom PF11   
>         APPLICATION TRACE:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.         
>         Current Trace Status: INACTIVE                                        
>                      APPLICATION TRACE SQL INDEX                              
+ Planname=DSNTEP91   Connid=BATCH      Corrid=HONGCBB3       Authid=HONG       
+ Call Type        Stm#  Program  Count InDB2 Time  MRet   Rws Pc Rws DM Rws RD 
+ ---------------- ----- -------- ----- ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ 
+ PREPARE           1839 DSN@EP2L     1 00:00.02117      0      0      0      0 
+ OPEN CURSOR       1939 DSN@EP2L     1 00:00.00054      0      0      0      0 
+ FETCH             1969 DSN@EP2L     2 00:00.00793    100      4      1      1 
+ CLOSE CURSOR      2243 DSN@EP2L     1 00:00.00000      0      0      0      0 
+ PREPARE           1839 DSN@EP2L     1 00:00.01688      0      0      0      0 
+ OPEN CURSOR       1939 DSN@EP2L     1 00:00.00000      0      0      0      0 
+ FETCH             1969 DSN@EP2L     2 00:00.00589    100     39      1      1 
+ CLOSE CURSOR      2243 DSN@EP2L     1 00:00.00000      0      0      0      0 


For additional information about
  • a particular SQL statement, move the cursor to the statement line and press F11 (Zoom).
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


The Db2 plan name of the active thread.
The Db2 connection identifier of the active thread.
The Db2 correlation identifier of the active thread.
The Db2 authorization identifier of the active thread.
Call Type
The SQL statement type.
The SQL statement number. This is the actual statement number generated by the Db2 precompiler; it is contained in the precompiler program output listing.
The program name in which the SQL statement was executed.
The number of times this statement was executed consecutively.
InDB2 Time
The elapsed time spent executing the SQL statement (or group of statements if Count is greater than 1).
The maximum return code encountered when executing the SQL statement.
Rws Pc
The total number of index/data/work rows of all record types processed by the Data Manager. For parallel task activity, this value represents the sum of the parent and child tasks.
Rws DM
The total number of index/data/work rows qualified by the Data Manager. For parallel task activity, this value represents the sum of the parent and child tasks.
Rws RD
The total number of index/data/work rows qualified by the Relational Data Manager. For parallel task activity, this value represents the sum of the parent and child tasks.