Manually allocating data sets

This optional task allocates the data sets that Near-Term History and Periodic Exception Processing require for data collection. The configuration tool assembles a job that contains allocation steps for all data sets that are needed for all Db2 subsystems according to your configuration.

Before you begin

Ensure the following requirements are met:
  • ALTER privileges are granted for the high-level qualifiers that you specified for Near-Term History and Periodic Exception Processing data sets
  • KD2_OMPE_RUNALLOC is set to N (disabled)
  • Near-Term History is enabled, and/or
  • Periodic Exception Processing is enabled

About this task

The allocation job does not delete existing data sets. It only allocates data sets if these do not exist already. Consider setting the configuration parameter KD2_OMPE_RUNALLOC to Y to automatically submit the Allocate additional runtime data sets job.


  1. Edit the member rHilev.rte_name.RKD2SAM(ALLOCDS) as needed for your environment.
  2. Submit the job.