Creating Db2 subsystem configurations

This section explains how to create DB2® subsystem configurations in PARMGEN user profiles.

DB2 subsystem (and data sharing) configurations are configured along all other configuration parameters in the PARMGEN user profile. They are identified by KD2_DBxx where xx is the number that distinguishes different DB2 subsystem configurations. For example, KD2_DB01 refers to the first DB2 subsystem configuration and KD2_DB02 refers to the second DB2 subsystem configuration. You can create up to 99 DB2 subsystem configurations.

The section that holds DB2 subsystem configurations is structured as follows:
KD2_DB                    BEGIN

KD2_DBxx_ROW              xx

KD2_DByy_ROW              yy

KD2_DB                    END
where xx and yy are the numbers of those two DB2 subsystem configurations. The parameter KD2_PFxx_PROFID contains the ID that is used to assign a DB2 subsystem configuration with a DB2 profile.
In order to assign a DB2 profile to a DB2 subsystem configuration, use the parameter KD2_DBzz_DB2_PROFID. For example, to assign the DB2 profile P0zz to a DB2 subsystem configuration set, use the following parameter:
KD2_DBxx_DB2_PROFID       P0zz