Db2 Connect/Gateway Tasks List

This panel shows Db2 Connect/Gateway task list information about a selected DB2 Connect gateway. Use this panel to display further details for a selected task.

 ________________ ZDBCT    VTM     O2       V540./C SZ91 07/31/13 17:07:11   2 
>  Help PF1      Back PF3      Up PF7      Down PF8     Zoom PF11              
> DB2 Connect/Gateway: Enter a selection letter on the top line.               
> A-DB2 Connect/Gateway Statistics  *-Tasks List   C-Performance               
> D-Package Statistics                                                         
>                        DB2 Connect/Gateway Task List                         
+ Name: IBM-590C1A11DE1 IP Addr:      Srv Inst Name:DB2             
+ Gateway Snapshot Time:2013-07-31-                             
+             Process         Gway User            System                      
+ Process     Owner           Proc Process         Process         CPU%  Memory
+ Name        Name            ID   Time            Time            Usage Usage 
+ ----------- --------------- ---- --------------- --------------- ----- ------
+ NetClient.e N/P             5212 00:00:17.000000 00:00:43.000000    13    N/P
+ svchost.exe N/P             2044 00:34:35.967296 00:21:51.967296     3    N/P
+ db2bp.exe   N/P             1480 00:00:00.000000 00:00:00.000000     0    N/P
+ db2.exe     N/P              10K 00:00:00.000000 00:00:00.000000     0    N/P
+ cmd.exe     N/P             6300 00:00:00.000000 00:00:00.000000     0    N/P
+ DB2PEAgent. N/P             9060 00:00:08.000000 00:00:12.000000     0    N/P
+ cmd.exe     N/P             8676 00:00:00.000000 00:00:00.000000     0    N/P
+ winvnc.exe  N/P             6708 00:00:02.000000 00:00:15.000000     0    N/P
+ wmiprvse.ex N/P             9940 00:00:51.000000 00:01:13.000000     0    N/P
+ ntaskldr.ex N/P             8064 00:00:33.000000 00:00:15.000000     0    N/P
+ nlnotes.exe N/P              10K 00:00:47.000000 00:00:29.000000     0    N/P
+ rotatelogs. N/P             7768 00:00:00.000000 00:00:01.000000     0    N/P
+ rotatelogs. N/P             6364 00:00:00.000000 00:00:01.000000     0    N/P
+ httpd.exe   N/P             5160 00:00:09.000000 00:01:11.000000     0    N/P
+ rotatelogs. N/P             7952 00:00:00.000000 00:00:01.000000     0    N/P
+ rotatelogs. N/P             7504 00:00:00.000000 00:00:01.000000     0    N/P
+ httpd.exe   N/P             6404 00:00:01.000000 00:00:03.000000     0    N/P
+ java.exe    N/P             6780 00:02:42.000000 00:04:39.000000     0    N/P
+ KfwServices N/P             5772 00:02:22.000000 00:02:11.000000     0    N/P
+ kdsmain.exe N/P             5476 00:00:27.000000 00:02:10.000000     0    N/P


You can scroll through the list using F7 and F8, or select a particular list item and press F11 (Zoom) for additional information. See DB2 Connect/Gateway Task Detail fields.

For additional information about
  • related topics, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


Shows the name in the database manager configuration file at the client node. It identifies the client node that is running the application.
IP Addr
Shows the current IP address.
Srv Inst Name
Shows the name of the database manager instance for which the snapshot was taken.
Gateway Snapshot Time
Shows the date and time when the snapshot of displayed data was taken.

Task list column headers:

Process Name
Shows the name of the process (truncated to 15 characters, if it is longer).
Process Owner Name
Shows the session ID that owns the process.
Gateway Process ID
Shows the numerical identifier that uniquely distinguishes a running process.
User Process Time
Shows the total user CPU time, in seconds and microseconds, used by the database manager agent process, the unit of work, or the statement.
System Process Time
Shows the total system CPU time, in seconds and microseconds, used by the database manager agent process, the unit of work, or the statement.
CPU% Usage
Shows the percentage of time that a process used the CPU since the last update.
Memory Usage
Shows the current working set of a process, in KB.

DB2 Connect/Gateway Task Detail fields

The DB2 Connect/Gateway Task Detail panel shows further details about a selected task.

 ________________ ZDBTD    VTM     O2       V540.#P DA41 11/06/13 11:14:22   2 
> Help PF1      Back PF3                                                       
>                DB2 Connect/Gateway Task Detail                               
+ Name: MINCHENKOV-S    IP Addr:   Srv Inst Name:DB2             
+ Gateway Snapshot Time:2013-11-06-                             
+ Process Name :                                                               
+      DB2PEAgent.exe                                                          
+ Owner Name           = N/P                                                   
+ Gateway Process ID   =           10596                                       
+ CPU% Usage           =               0                                       
+ Memory Usage         =             N/P                                       
+ Process Time                                                                 
+ ---------------------------------------                                      
+ User                 = 00:00:07.000000                                       
+ System               = 00:00:20.000000                                       
+ Total                = 00:00:27.000000                                       
Process Time (User)
Shows the user process time.
Process Time (System)
Shows the system process time.
Process Time (Total)
Shows the total process time (sum of user and system process time).