Db2 Connect/Gateway Package Statistics

This panel shows package statistics information about a selected DB2 Connect gateway.

________________ ZDCPK    VTM     O2       V540./C SZ91 07/31/13 17:08:04   2 
>       Help PF1      Back PF3      Up PF7      Down PF8                       
> DB2 Connect/Gateway: Enter a selection letter on the top line.               
> A-DB2 Connect/Gateway Statistics  B-Tasks List   C-Performance               
> *-Package Statistics                                                         
>               DB2 Connect/Gateway Package Statistics                         
+ Name: IBM-590C1A11DE1 IP Addr:      Srv Inst Name:DB2             
+ Gateway Snapshot Time:2013-07-31-                             
+ Parent             Stmt  Network     Avg Network      Avg Resp   Avg Req     
+ DB Name            Grp   Time        Time             Size Outbd Size Outbd  
+ ------------------ ----- ----------- ---------------  ---------- ----------  
+ PMODBZ9            2     00:00:00.95 00:00:00.237794        1364         79  
+ PMODBZ9            2     00:00:00.95 00:00:00.237794        1364         79  
+ PMODBZ9            2     00:00:00.65 00:00:00.242909         695        246  


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Shows the name in the database manager configuration file at the client node. It identifies the client node that is running the application.
IP Addr
Shows the current IP address.
Srv Inst Name
Shows the name of the database manager instance for which the snapshot was taken.
Gateway Snapshot Time
Shows the date and time when the snapshot of displayed data was taken.

Parent DB Name
Shows the name of the remote database to which the remote application is connected.
Statement Group
Shows the number of statements with outbound bytes.
Network Time
Shows the difference between the value for the TIMES FOR SAMPLE SQL STATEMENT - TOTAL STATEMENT TIME field and the value of the TIMES FOR SAMPLE SQL STATEMENT - TIME ON DB2 HOST field.
Average Network Time
Shows the result of the value for the NETWORK TIME field, divided by the number of SQL chains being transferred.
Average Response Size Outbound
Shows the number of bytes per SQL statement received by the DB2 Connect gateway from the host, excluding communication protocol overhead, divided by the number of SQL chains being transferred.
Average Request Size Outbound
Shows the number of bytes per SQL statement sent by the DB2 Connect gateway to the host, excluding communication protocol overhead, divided by the number of SQL chains being transferred.