Terminology for security procedures

The following terms are used in the descriptions of the customization procedures for security.

Update Program
The KOBSUPDT member of &rhilev.&rte.RKANMOD is a utility program that performs the update to the security table of the Classic User Interface.
Control Statements
The KO2SUPDI member of &rhilev.&rte.RKD2SAM contains control statements that you can edit to change the defaults for internal security or to specify external security. KO2SUPDI provides the input for the update program.
The KO2SUPD member of &rhilev.&rte.RKD2SAM contains the JCL to run the security update program.
Exit Routine
At start time, the Classic User Interface accesses the security exit routine of the user that provides the interface to the external security package. The name of this routine must be specified by the administrator.