DDL Access Summary Report and Fields (DDL)

This report presents all DDL access events according to the combination of OMEGAMON® for DB2® PE identifiers specified.

Use the following command to generate a DDL access summary report.

    TYPE  (DDL)


Layout of a Member-Scope Audit DDL Access Summary Report

   LOCATION: LOCATI_2                   OMEGAMON XE FOR DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V5R4M0)                   PAGE: 1-5
      GROUP: GROUP_1                              AUDIT REPORT - SUMMARY                        REQUESTED FROM: NOT SPECIFIED
     MEMBER: MEMBER_2                                   DDL ACCESS                                          TO: NOT SPECIFIED
  SUBSYSTEM: SYS2                             ORDER: PRIMAUTH-PLANNAME-OBJECT                      ACTUAL FROM: 01/30/15 04:21:44.17
DB2 VERSION: V10                                       SCOPE: MEMBER                                        TO: 01/30/15 07:19:20.25

                  ---------- OBJECT ----------
-------- -------- -------- ------------------      -------- -------- -------- --------
JUB      DSNREXX           COLUMN MASK                    1        0        0        1
                           ROW PERMISSION                 1        0        0        1
                  JUB      AUDTB1                         0        0        1        1
                  JUB      AUDTB2                         0        0        1        1
                  *SUBTOTAL*                              2        0        2        4

         DSNREXY           COLUMN MASK                    1        0        0        1
                           ROW PERMISSION                 1        0        0        1
                  JUB      AUDTB1                         0        0        1        1
                  JUB      AUDTB2                         0        0        1        1
                  *SUBTOTAL*                              2        0        2        4

         *TOTAL*                                          4        0        4        8

KUC      DSNREXX           COLUMN MASK                    1        0        0        1
                           ROW PERMISSION                 1        0        0        1
                  KUC      AUDTB1                         0        0        1        1
                  KUC      AUDTB2                         0        0        1        1
                  *SUBTOTAL*                              2        0        2        4

         DSNREXY           COLUMN MASK                    1        0        0        1
                           ROW PERMISSION                 1        0        0        1
                  KUC      AUDTB1                         0        0        1        1
                  KUC      AUDTB2                         0        0        1        1
                  *SUBTOTAL*                              2        0        2        4

         *TOTAL*                                          4        0        4        8

Layout of a Group-Scope Audit DDL Access Summary Report

Here is a sample layout of a Group-Scope Audit DDL Access Summary report.
   LOCATION: LOCATI_2                   OMEGAMON XE FOR DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V5R4M0)                   PAGE: 1-5
      GROUP: GROUP_1                              AUDIT REPORT - SUMMARY                        REQUESTED FROM: NOT SPECIFIED
                                                        DDL ACCESS                                          TO: NOT SPECIFIED
                                                       ORDER: OBJECT                               ACTUAL FROM: 07/17/15 04:21:44.17
DB2 VERSION: V10                                       SCOPE: GROUP                                         TO: 07/17/15 07:21:20.25
         ---------- OBJECT ----------
OWNER          NAME         MEMBER        CREATE    DROP    ALTER    TOTAL
-------- ------------------ --------      -------- -------- -------- --------
         COLUMN MASK        MEMBER_2             1        0        0        1
                            MEMBER_3             1        0        0        1
                            *TOTAL*              2        0        0        2

         COLUMN MASK        MEMBER_2             1        0        0        1
                            MEMBER_3             1        0        0        1
                            *TOTAL*              2        0        0        2

XXASP09  NHDEPT             MEMBER_2             0        7        0        7
                            MEMBER_3             0        7        0        7
                            *TOTAL*              0       14        0       14

XXASP09  NHEMP              MEMBER_2             0        7        0        7
                            MEMBER_3             0        7        0        7
                            *TOTAL*              0       14        0       14

*GRAND TOTAL*                                    0       28        0       28

Field description

The DDL access summary report contains the following fields:

OMEGAMON for Db2 PE identifiers
The identifiers define the order of the Audit data reported. Up to three identifiers are printed.
The defaults are:
  • For member-scope reports, PRIMAUTH-PLANNAME-OBJECT
  • For group-scope reports, OBJECT

For group-scope reports, MEMBER is considered the last ORDER identifier and is automatically added as the second, third, or fourth identifier.

The user identification of the owner of the audited object table accessed. It is blank for IFCID 271.
The name of the accessed audited DB2 table, the ROW PERMISSION, or the COLUMN MASK objects that have been created, dropped, or altered.
All create object operations.
All create object operations.
All drop object operations.
All DDL access operations. The total number of IFCID 142 or IFCID 271 records for this set of identifiers.