General Statistics information
Statistics reports and traces provide you with a way to analyze Db2 Statistics class 1 trace data.
DB2 accumulates statistics for the system services address space, database services address space, and DDF address space. These statistics are accumulated from the time DB2 is started until it is stopped. At a configurable interval, DB2 logs the current statistics values using IFCID 1 and IFCID 2.
Use the Statistics report set to:
- View system-wide statistics for key DB2 components.
- Compare system performance over two or more reporting intervals.
- Assess system-wide performance for individual DB2 subsystems.
- Assess performance data for a group of data sharing DB2 subsystems.
- Summarize system performance data in a single report.
The Statistics report set provides the following functions:
- Traces present the difference (delta) between the Statistics recorded in two consecutive Statistics record pairs.
- Reports summarize Statistics data over one or more user-defined intervals.
- The File data set contains records in a format that are suitable for use by the DB2 load and Spreadsheet Input-Data Generator utilities.
- The Save-File utility changes Save data sets into sequential data sets for use by the DB2 load and Spreadsheet Input-Data Generator utilities.
- The REDUCE subcommand specifies intervals into which Statistics data is accumulated and apportioned. A report can then be produced that is sorted by these intervals.
- The SAVE and RESTORE subcommands are used to consolidate Statistics for a number of Statistics record pairs and then save these record pairs in a Save data set for later restoration and further processing.
- You can control the level of detail of a report by choosing one of the sample layouts or a layout that you have previously tailored.
- You can use exception processing to identify entries with fields that contain values outside thresholds that you have previously specified.
- In data sharing environments you can produce member-specific or group-specific reports.