General Accounting information

This topic describes the Accounting report set and concepts in detail.

From the data shown in Accounting reports you can assign Db2 resource costs to individual authorization IDs and tune programs. OMEGAMON® XE for Db2 PE does not, however, provide for tasks such as charge-back or billing.

Typical uses of Accounting reports are to:

  • Summarize the local and distributed Db2 activity associated with the execution of specified Db2 plans.
  • Summarize the composite Db2 activity associated with the execution of threads that exploit query CP parallelism or Sysplex query parallelism.
  • Summarize the DB2 activity associated with the execution of the specified DB2 packages and DBRMs.
  • Detect potential problem areas within DB2 applications.
  • Track DB2 resource usage on a regular basis by OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE identifiers such as location, authorization ID, or plan name. You can use this information to study trends or deviations from trends.
  • Identify DB2 threads that fail to meet user-specified criteria.

In data sharing groups, you can produce Accounting reports at member level or at group level.

Accounting reports provide summary data about DB2 resource usage for:

  • A given thread
  • In thread reuse, the interval of time between two signons
  • All tasks within a thread that exploit query CP or Sysplex query parallelism

Exception processing is supported in the Accounting report set. You define exception thresholds for certain Accounting fields. When you request exception processing, the values in these fields are checked against the thresholds. Only those records that contain field values outside the defined thresholds are reported.

TOP processing identifies the main consumers of DB2 resources. If the TOP subcommand option is used, an index-like report is generated that shows the main consumers at the end of the report or trace. If you only want to see the main resource consumers, specify the TOP subcommand option with the ONLY keyword.