Selecting a model layout

These steps describe how to select an existing report layout as the basis for a new layout that is to contain tailored information.

About this task

  1. From the IBM OMEGAMON for DB2 Performance Expert on z/OS main menu, select option 5 (Customize report and trace layouts).
    The User-Tailored Reporting Layout Generation panel is displayed.
    Figure 1. User-Tailored Reporting - selecting an Accounting report as model layout
    DGOBMENU         User-Tailored Reporting Layout Generation
    Select one of the following report set functions and then enter the
    DPMPARMS data set to be used.
    1_ 1. Accounting report
       2. Statistics report
       3. Accounting trace
       4. Statistics trace
    DPMPARMS data set
    Command ==> __________________________________________________________________
     F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F9=Swap     F12=Cancel
  2. For this example, select option 1 (Accounting report) from the menu, enter the name of the DPMPARMS data set where the tailored layout is to be stored, and press Enter.
    The UTR Layout Selection panel is displayed.
    Figure 2. User-Tailored Reporting - selecting a short Accounting report as model layout
    DGOBPLAY                   UTR Layout Selection                ROW 1 TO 2 OF 2
    Report set  . . . . . : Accounting Report
    Select a Layout then press Enter.
        Layout  Description
    _   LONG    Accounting Report - Long
    /   SHORT   Accounting Report - Short
    ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************
    Command ===> ______________________________________________________________
     F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel
  3. For this example, select layout SHORT as the basis for your layout by entering a selection character (/) in the input field next to the layout name. Always choose the model that is most similar to the layout you want.
    The UTR Block Selection panel for the Accounting Report SHORT layout is displayed.
    Figure 3. User-Tailored Reporting - report block selection and ordering
     DGOBPBLK                   UTR Block Selection               Row 1 to 18 of 27
     Report set  . . . . . : Accounting Report
     Layout  . . . . . . . : SHORT
     1.  To change the contents of a block, select the Modify column
     2.  To include and order, modify/add a number in the Order column
     3.  To exclude a block, blank out the Order column
     Modify  Order  Label
     _       10     GENERAL
     _       20     PACKAGE GENERAL
     _       30     DISTRIBUTED ACTIVITY
     _       99999  ORDER IDS
     _       99999  AVERAGE
     _       99999  CLASS 3 SUSP.
     _       99999  HIGHLIGHTS
     _       99999  SQL DML
     _       99999  SQL DCL
     _       99999  SQL DDL
     _       99999  LOCKING
     _       99999  NORMAL TERM.
     _       99999  ABNORMAL TERM.
     _       99999  IN DOUBT
     _       99999  DRAIN/CLAIM
     _       99999  DATA CAPTURE
     _       99999  DATA SHARING
     _       99999  QUERY PARALLELISM
     Command ===> ______________________________________________________________
      F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F5=Extend  F6=Browse  F7=Up      F8=Down
      F9=Swap   F12=Cancel
    The Order column shows which blocks are included in the selected layout. In this example, the blocks labeled GENERAL, PACKAGE GENERAL, and DISTRIBUTED ACTIVITY are included. The numbers in the Order column indicate the sequence in which the blocks are printed. Fields that have not been selected are numbered 99999.