Adding a block

These steps describe how to add a report block to a selected report layout that is to contain tailored information.

About this task

In this example, the BUFFER POOL ACTIVITY block is added to the selected layout.
  1. In the UTR Block Selection panel, use F8 to scroll to the label BUFFER POOL ACTIVITY. Notice that there are two blocks with this label. Press F5 to display a brief description of the block's content, as shown in the following figure. In this example, the column form is chosen.
    Figure 1. User-Tailored Reporting - report block contents
     DGOBEBLK                     UTR Block Selection            Row 20 to 27 of 27
     Report set  . . . . . : Accounting Report
     Layout  . . . . . . . : SHORT
     1.  To change the contents of a block, select the Modify column
     2.  To include and order, modify/add a number in the Order column
     3.  To exclude a block, blank out the Order column
     Modify  Order  Label
     _       99999  RID LIST
                    RID List Activity Data
     _       99999  BUFFER POOL ACTIVITY
                    Buffer Pool Activity Data (Table Form)
     _       99999  GROUP BUFFER POOL
                    Group Buffer Pool Activity Data (Table Form)
     _       99999  DISTRIBUTED ACTIVITY
                    Distributed Data Facility (List Form)
     _       99999  RESOURCE LIMIT FACILITY
                    Resource Limit Facility Data (Column Form)
     _       99999  PACKAGE ACTIVITY
                    Package Activity Data
     _       99999  IFI CLASS 5
                    IFI (Class 5) times
     /          15  BUFFER POOL ACTIVITY
                    Buffer Pools Activity Data (Column Form)
     ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
     Command ===> __________________________________________________________
      F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F5=Extend  F6=Browse  F7=Up      F8=Down
      F9=Swap   F12=Cancel
  2. Enter a number in the Order column next to the block label to determine the relative position of the added block to the existing blocks.

    In this example, a number between 10 and 20 determines that the BUFFER POOL ACTIVITY block is printed after the GENERAL block and before the PACKAGE GENERAL block. A number less than 10 would add the BUFFER POOL ACTIVITY block before the GENERAL block.

  3. To see which fields can be included in the added block, enter a selection character (/) in the Modify column next to the block label.
    The UTR Field Selection panel is displayed.
    Figure 2. User-Tailored Reporting - report block field selection and ordering
    DGOBFLD4                     UTR Field Selection              ROW 1 TO 9 OF 17
    Report set  . . . . . : Accounting Report
    Layout  . . . . . . . : SHORT
    Block label . . . . . : BUFFER POOL ACTIVITY
    1.  To include and order, modify/add a number in the Order column
    2.  To exclude a field, blank out the Order column
    Order  Label
           Description                                                      Length
    10     BP ID
           Buffer Pool ID (QBACPID)                                              8
    20     GETPAGES
           Average number of getpage requests (QBACGET)                          8
    30     SYN.READ
           Average number of synchronous reads (QBACRIO)                         8
    40     SEQ.PREF
           Average number of Sequential Prefetches (QBACSEQ)                     8
    50     LISTPREF
           Average number of List Prefetches (QBACLPF)                           8
    60     DYN.PREF
           Average number of Dynamic Prefetches (QBACDPF)                        8
    70     ASY.READ
           Average of pages read asynchronously (QBACSIO)                        8
    80     BUF.UPDT
           Average number of buffer updates (QBACSWS)                            8
    90     #SYNWRTE
    Command ===> __________________________________________________________________
     F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F5=Extend    F6=Qualify   F7=Up
     F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Config   F11=Filler   F12=Cancel

    Similar to the UTR Block Selection panel, use F7 (Up) and F8 (Down) to scroll through the list of fields and F5 (Extend) to display extended field descriptions. The Order column determines the order of the fields within a block. A value of 99999 means that a field is not selected.

  4. For this example, assume that all fields of the BUFFER POOL ACTIVITY block are selected by default. Because no fields need to be added or deleted, press F12 (Cancel) to return to the UTR Block Selection panel.