Unit for non-VSAM
- Description
Used to specify the storage device that is to be used for all non-VSAM data sets created by the OMEGAMON Collector. This parameter is ignored, if OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE runs on a system managed by SMS.
Since SMS can be implemented in different ways, the Configuration tool does not attempt to validate these parameters. The dataset allocation jobs will use all parameters that you enter.
- Required or optional
- Optional
- Default value
- Location where the parameter value is stored
- In the OMPEMSTR member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKD2PAR library
- Output line
- In the Configuration Tool (ICAT)
- Panel name
- OMEGAMON Collector Information
- Panel ID
- KD261PN
- Panel field
- Unit
- Default value
- Batch parameter name
- PARMGEN name
- PARMGEN classification