Exception Threshold data set

The Exception Threshold data set contains the exception thresholds for the Statistics and Accounting exception reports and traces. When exception processing is active, the instrumentation data is checked against these thresholds.

Threshold values in an Exception Threshold data set can be set or modified with the Exception Threshold data set editor (see Specifying exceptions using the Exception Threshold data set editor) or the exception profiling method (see Exception profiling).

A sample Exception Threshold data set is supplied in data set member RKO2DATA(DGOETV51). The sample contains a selection of exception fields with predefined threshold values and can be used to get started with exception reporting.

Note: Earlier versions of the sample Exception Threshold data set RKO2DATA(DGOETV51) contain entries with asterisks instead of predefined threshold values. Asterisks are intended to mark thresholds that are to be determined by the exception profiling method (described in Exception profiling). If you use these samples for exception reporting without performing exception profiling (which creates a new Exception Threshold data set with asterisks replaced by calculated values), the entries that contain asterisks generate warning messages during exception processing. In other words, earlier samples of the Exception Threshold data set are intended for exception profiling, later samples can be used for exception processing without modification.
If exception processing is started as part of the OMEGAMON Collector startup, where the Exception Threshold data set to be used is determined by the AUTOEXCPTHNAME startup parameter, the Exception Threshold data set must be a sequential data set. For online monitoring, the Exception Threshold data set can be either a sequential data set or a member of a partitioned data set. If you create a new data set, preallocate it with the following attributes:
≥ 255
6 233 or greater
Note: The sample Exception Threshold data set member RKO2DATA(DGOETV51) might have a different record length. When you copy member DGOETV51 to your newly allocated data set, you might get a warning that records are truncated. In this case, you can ignore this warning.

Related reading: For information about specifying and editing thresholds in an existing Exception Threshold data set, refer to Specifying exceptions using the Exception Threshold data set editor.

Related reading: For information about profiling an Exception Threshold data set with a sample of DB2 instrumentation data, refer to Exception profiling.