Db2 System Parameters panel

Use the DB2® System Parameters panel to view a summary of important DSNZPARM values, maximum concurrent users, and IRLM thresholds. Use the scrolling keys F7 (Up) and F8 (Down) to view all information in the Db2 System Parameters panel.

To display the Db2 System Parameters panel, select option 3 (Display System Parameters) from the Online Monitor Main Menu.

The following figure shows the Db2 System Parameters panel.
Figure 1. Db2 System Parameters panel
 DGOZPSM              DB2 System Parameters
 Command ===>

 For details, type any character next to heading, then press Enter.

 PMO5D851              D851  V10

 _  Data Sharing Parameters (DSNTIPK)
 _  Sizes Panel 2(DSNTIP7)
 _  Thread Management(DSNTIPE)
 _  Buffer Pools (DSNTIP1, DSNTIP2, DSNTIP6)
 _  Tracing Parameters (DSNTIPN)
 _  Operator Functions (DSNTIPO)
 _  Application Programming Defaults 1(DSNTIPF)
 _  Application Programming Defaults 2(DSNTIP4)
 _  Performance and Optimization (DSNTIP8)
 _  IRLM Processing Parameters
 _  Protection (DSNTIPP)
 _  MVS Parmlib Updates (DSNTIPM)
 _  Active Log Data Set Parameters (DSNTIPL, DSNTIPH)
 _  Archive Log Data Set Parameters (DSNTIPA, DSNTIPH)
 _  Databases and Table Spaces (DSNTIPS)
 _  Distributed Data Facility (DSNTIPR, DSNTIP5)
 _  Routine Parameters (DSNTIPX)
 _  Data Definition Control Support (DSNTIPZ)
 _  Storage Sizes(DSNTIPC)
 _  Group Buffer Pools
 _  ZParm Online Change Auditing
 _  Other Parameters

  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F6=History   F7=Up        F8=Down
  F9=Swap     F12=Cancel   F16=Look     F17=Collect
Note: The Db2 System Parameters panel you see might have been tailored by your installation and consequently might not necessarily match the panel examples shown in this information.

From the Db2 System Parameters panel, you can reach a set of windows that provide system parameters information in greater detail. To reach a window, type any character in the space provided beside the heading.

Several windows can be accessed simultaneously by selecting multiple fields in the Db2 System Parameters panel. To leave the current window and proceed with the next window, press F3 (Exit). To cancel all windows and return to the Db2 System Parameters panel, press F12 (Cancel).