
These conventions are used throughout the documentation.


The following symbols might appear in command syntax:

Symbol Usage
| The or symbol is used to denote a choice. You can use the argument on the left or the argument on the right. For example:
In this example, you can specify YES or NO.
( ) Denotes optional arguments. Arguments that are not enclosed in square brackets are required. For example:
In this example, DEST is a required argument and ALTDEST is optional.
{ } Some documents use braces to denote mandatory arguments, or to group arguments for clarity. For example:
In this example, the workload variable is mandatory. The REPORT keyword must be specified with a value of SUMMARY or HISTOGRAM.
_ Default values are underscored. For example:
COPY infile outfile - [COMPRESS={YES | NO}] 
In this example, the COMPRESS keyword is optional. If specified, the only valid values are YES or NO. If omitted, the default is YES.

Notation conventions

The following conventions are used when referring to high-level qualifiers:

A high-level qualifier. The high-level qualifier is the first prefix or set of prefixes in the data set name. Site-specific high-level qualifiers are shown in italics.

For example:

  • thilev refers to the high-level qualifier for your target data set.
  • rhilev refers to the high-level qualifier for your runtime data set.

    For members in target libraries, the high-level qualifier is thilev rather than rhilev.

  • shilev refers to the SMP/E library high-level qualifier.