History Defaults window

Use the History Defaults window to view the history parameters that are currently in effect.

To display this window, select option 2 (History Defaults) from the Options menu.

Figure 1. History Defaults window
 DGOMDWHD         History Defaults   ROW 1 TO 6 OF 6

 History Collected . . . . . . . . : YES
 History Interval  . . . . . . . . : 10

 History From  . . . . . . : 04/05/08  13:30:36
 History To  . . . . . . . : Present

 Data for which History is stored :
 System Parameters
 Thread SQL Statement
 Thread Summary
 Thread Detail
 Locked Resources
 ***************** BOTTOM OF DATA ******************

 Command ===> ______________________________________
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Up
  F8=Down      F9=Swap     F12=Cancel   F16=Look

By using the HISTORY command, you can view thread activity, statistics, and system parameters data previously gathered by the data collector. See Viewing past data for a complete description about how to view past performance data.

The History Collected field shows either YES or NO to indicate if any past data is available.

The History Interval field indicates how often DB2® instrumentation data is being gathered by the data collector. This field is a numeric value in seconds.

The History From field shows the date and time of the earliest history data available.

The History To field shows the date and time of the most recent history data available.

The Data for which History is stored field lists the types of data gathered by the data collector. This list includes the data types specified at data collector startup and subsequent changes made by the administrator users. Statistics history keeps subsystem-wide statistical information for a Db2 subsystem. For thread activity you can collect thread history individually in a summary format, in detail format, or in detail format with locking information, SQL statement, or both. System Parameters history keeps an overview of DSNZPARM values for a Db2 subsystem.

For more information about viewing past data, see Viewing past data. For more information about data collector installation options, see IBM® Db2 for z/OS® in the IBM Knowledge Center.