Db2 Subsystem windows

Use the DB2® Subsystems List window to select the Db2 subsystem to be monitored.

Only the Db2 subsystems with data collectors started within the MVS system are listed on the Db2 Subsystems List window.

To display this window, select Option 1 (DB2 Subsystem) from the Options menu.

Figure 1. Db2 Subsystems List window
 DGOMDWSL                DB2 Subsystems List           ROW 1 TO 3 OF 3

 Select the Data Collector to use or specify a DB2 subsystem ID

 DB2 Subsystem  DSN1

     Data Collector DB2 Location         DB2 Release
 _   DSNB           PMO1DB11             V10
 _   DSNC           PMO1DC11             V10
 ************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ***************************

 Command ===> ____________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
  F1=Help    F2=Split   F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel
 F16=Look   F17=Collect

The following columns are shown:

Data Collector
The data collector identifier.
Db2 Location
The location as obtained from the trace records for the data collector.
Db2 Release
The Db2 release level.

To monitor a Db2 subsystem that has an active data collector running, enter any character in the input field beside a data collector Db2 location and press Enter.

To monitor a Db2 subsystem that does not have an active data collector running, enter the name of the Db2 subsystem in the DB2 Subsystem field and press Enter.

If no data collectors are active on your MVS system, the Db2 Subsystem window is displayed instead.

Note: The version and release numbers of the Db2 load library allocated to the Online Monitor session must match the version and release numbers of the Db2 subsystems being monitored.
Figure 2. Db2 Subsystem window
 DGOMDWS1               DB2 Subsystem

 Enter the subsystem ID of the DB2 subsystem to monitor and
 press Enter.

 DB2 Subsystem  ____

  F1=Help     F2=Split    F9=Swap    F12=Cancel
If the data collector is not installed at your site or the monitored Db2 subsystem does not have an active data collector running, the following Online Monitor functions are not available:
  • Viewing past data
  • Periodic exception processing while you are not logged on
  • Exception event processing
  • Collection of parallel tasks for query CP parallelism

Changing Db2 subsystems terminates all asynchronous tasks that were started using the Online Monitor. If you change Db2 subsystems while an asynchronous task is active, you are notified by the Asynchronous Task Termination panel.

If you work in split screen mode and you change the subsystem in one session, asynchronous tasks are terminated even if they were activated in the other session.

Figure 3. Asynchronous Task Termination panel
 DGOMGP03        Asynchronous Task Termination

 Press Enter to change Subsystem or request Cancel to restore the
 Subsystem ID to its previous value.

 Changing the Subsystem results in the termination of all active
 tasks as well as the stopping of all the DB2 traces started by the
 Collect Report Data facility.

 Exception/Collect tasks                        Status
 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
 Periodic Exception                             Active
 Exception Event                                Not active

 Collect data for acct/io/stats/audit           Active
 CICS problem                                   Active
 Collect Task C                                 Not active
 Collect Task D                                 Not active

 Command ===> _____________________________________________________________
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F9=Swap     F12=Cancel   F16=Look

To change Db2 subsystems, press Enter. All asynchronous tasks are terminated.

To return to the previous panel without changing Db2 subsystems, press F3 (Exit) or F12 (Cancel). All active asynchronous tasks remain active.