How large and missing values are displayed

Values shown in panels are either total values or average values.

If there is insufficient space to display a value in a field, a rounded value is shown followed by one of the following letters to indicate magnitude:
thousand (kilo - 103)
million (mega - 106)
billion (giga - 109)
trillion (tera - 1012)
The letter is displayed directly after the number, without blank spaces. There can, however, be decimal places, as in the following examples:
  • Valid conversions of 12 345 include 12K, 12.35K, and 12.3K.
  • Valid conversions of 1 234 567 include 1M, 1.2346M, and 1235K.
If a counter value or specific information in reports, in windows, or in panels is not shown, the following notation is used to indicate the reason:
Not applicable is shown if DB2® never produces a counter value in a specific context. Examples are:
  • A counter is not available in one Db2 version.
  • Counters are mutually exclusive.
Not calculated is shown for a derived field where the value cannot be calculated or is useless. Examples are:
  • A divide by zero (percentages, ratios).
  • Suppression of negative elapsed time values.
  • Required counter values for calculation marked as N/A or N/P.
  • Insufficient data or small counter values to allow significant statements (meaningless or misleading averages).
Not present is shown for a field where Db2 can present values, but does not in this instance. Examples are:
  • When counter values are not generated because of operational conditions (a trace class is not active).
  • An application does not provide a value because it is optional.