Shared and Common Storage
Use the Shared and Common Storage panel to view information about the shared and common storage areas.
- MVS Extended CSA Size
- The extended CSA size.
- Db2 field
- QW0225EC
- Total 31-Bit Common Fixed Pool Storage
- The total size of the 31-bit common fixed pool storage.
- Db2 field
- QW0225FC
- Total 31-Bit Common Variable Pool Storage
- The total size of the 31-bit common variable pool storage.
- Db2 field
- QW0225VC
- Total 31-Bit Common Getmained Storage
- The total size of the 31-bit common getmained storage.
- Db2 field
- QW0225GC
- Total 64-Bit Common Fixed Pool Storage
- The total size of the 64-bit common fixed pool storage.
- Db2 field
- QW0225FCG
- Total 64-Bit Common Variable Pool Storage
- The total size of the 64-bit common variable pool storage.
- Db2 field
- QW0225VCG
- Total 64-Bit Common Getmained Storage
- The total size of the 64-bit common getmained storage.
- Db2 field
- QW0225GCG
- Total 64-Bit Common Storage for SM Cntl Struct
- The total size of the 64-bit common storage allocated for storage manager control structures.
- Db2 field
- QW0225SMC
- Total 64-Bit Shared Storage for SM Cntl Struct
- The total size of the 64-bit shared storage for storage manager control structures.
- Db2 field
- QW0225SMS
- Total 64-Bit Shared Variable Pool Storage
- The total size of the 64-bit shared variable pool storage.
- Db2 field
- QW0225SV
- Total 64-Bit Shared Fixed Pool Storage
- The total size of the 64-bit shared fixed pool storage.
- Db2 field
- QW0225SF
- Total 64-Bit Shared Getmained Storage
- The total size of the 64-bit shared getmained storage.
- Db2 field
- QW0225SG
- Total 64-Bit Shared System Agent Stack
- The total size of the 64-bit shared storage allocated for system agent stack use.
- Db2 field
- Total 64-Bit Shared System Agent Stack In Use
- The total size of the 64-bit shared system agent stack that is in use.
- Db2 field
- Total 64-Bit Shared Non-System Agent Stack
- The total size of the 64-bit shared storage allocated for non-system agent stack use.
- Db2 field
- QW0225GSG
- Total 64-Bit Shared Non-System Agent Stack In Use
- The total size of the 64-bit shared non-system agent stack that is in use.
- Db2 field
- QW0225SUG
- Number of Shared Memory Objects
- The number of shared memory objects allocated for the LPAR.
- Db2 field
- Number of 64-Bit Shared Memory Pages
- The number of 64-bit shared memory pages allocated for the LPAR (this count includes hidden pages).
- Db2 field
- High Water Mark 64-Bit Shared Bytes
- The high-water mark of the 64-bit shared bytes for the LPAR.
- Db2 field
- Number of 64-Bit Shared Pages In Real Storage
- The number of 64-bit shared pages backed in real storage (4K pages) for the LPAR.
- Db2 field
- Number of Auxiliary Slots fir 64-Bit Shared Storage
- The number of auxiliary slots used for 64-bit shared storage for the LPAR.
- Db2 field
- Number of 64-Bit Paged-in Shared Pages
- The number of 64-bit shared pages paged in from auxiliary storage for the LPAR.
- Db2 field
- Number of 64-Bit Paged-out Shared Pages
- The number of 64-bit shared pages paged out to auxiliary storage for the LPAR.
- Db2 field
- Number of 4K Frames in Use for 64-Bit Shared Storage
- The number of real 4K frames in use for 64-bit shared storage, recorded at the subsystem level
(does not include shared stack storage).
- Db2 field
- QW0225ShrStg_Real
- Requires
- z/OS® version 1.10 and later
- Number of 4K Auxiliary Slots for 64-Bit Shared Storage
- The number of 4K auxiliary slots in use for 64-bit shared storage, recorded at the subsystem
level (only includes auxiliary slots occupied by pages that are paged out, does not include shared
stack storage).
- Db2 field
- QW0225ShrStg_Aux
- Requires
- z/OS version 1.10 and later
- Number of 4K Frames in Use for 64-Bit Shared Stack
- The number of real 4K frames in use for 64-bit shared stack storage, recorded at the subsystem level.
- Db2 field
- QW0225ShrStkStg_Real
- Requires
- z/OS version 1.10 and later
- Number of 4K Auxiliary Slots for 64-Bit Shared Stack
- The number of 4K auxiliary slots in use for 64-bit shared stack storage, recorded at the
subsystem level (only includes auxiliary slots occupied by pages that are paged out).
- Db2 field
- QW0225ShrStkStg_Aux
- Requires
- z/OS version 1.10 and later
- Number of 4K Frames in Use for 64-Bit Common Storage
- The number of real 4K frames in use for 64-bit common storage, recorded at the subsystem level.
- Db2 field
- QW0225ComStg_Real
- Requires
- z/OS version 1.10 and later
- Number of 4K Auxiliary Slots for 64-Bit Common Storage
- The number of 4K auxiliary slots in use for 64-bit common storage, recorded at the subsystem
level (only includes auxiliary slots occupied by pages that are paged out).
- Db2 field
- QW0225ComStg_Aux
- Requires
- z/OS version 1.10 and later
- Log Mgr Write Buffer Frames in REAL
- The number of frames in real storage that are used for log manager write buffers.
- Requires
- Db2 11 and higher
- Log Mgr Write Buffer Frames in AUX
- The number of auxiliary frames that are used for log manager write buffers.
- Requires
- Db2 11 and higher
- Log Manager Control Frames in REAL
- The number of frames in real storage that are used for log manager control structures.
- Requires
- Db2 11 and higher
- Log Manager Control Frames in Aux
- The number of frames in auxiliary storage that are used for log manager control structures.
- Requires
- Db2 11 and higher