Lock Manager Information

This panel shows information about current locking activity and claims and drains.

________________ ZLOKM    VTM     O2       V540.#P SE12 DD/MM/YY 16:11:04   2 
>       Help PF1         Back PF3             Up PF7            Down PF8       
> R.I.A                                                                        
>                           LOCK MANAGER INFORMATION                           
+ Collection Interval:  REALTIME                         Start:  11/05 16:09:41
+ Report Interval:       2 sec                             End:  11/05 16:11:04
+                                    TOTAL  INTERVAL  /SECOND  /THREAD  /COMMIT
+                                 QUANTITY  QUANTITY  (    2)  (    1)  (    0)
+                                 --------  --------  -------  -------  -------
+ Deadlocks Detected                     0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Timeouts Detected                      0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Susp Detected - Lock Only              1         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Susp Detected - Latch Only           606         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Susp Detected - Other              87589         6     3.00     6.00      .00
+ Lock Escalations - to Shared           0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Lock Escalations - to Exclusive        0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Lock Requests                    2089890       141    70.50   141.00      .00
+ Unlock Requests                  2362800       129    64.50   129.00      .00
+ Query Requests                     71153         5     2.50     5.00      .00
+ Change Requests                    23948         7     3.50     7.00      .00
+ Other IRLM Requests                    3         0      .00      .00      .00
+ CLAIM/DRAIN INFORMATION + ------------------------------ + Claim Requests 64895 21 10.50 21.00 .00 + Unsuccessful Claim Requests 0 0 .00 .00 .00 + Drain Requests 6276 0 .00 .00 .00 + Unsuccessful Drain Requests 0 0 .00 .00 .00
+ ------------------------------
+ Main Latch Cont. (Held)              663         2     1.00      .00      .00 
+ Main Latch Cont. (UseCnt)           1293         4     2.00      .00      .00 
+ Secondary Latch Cont. (Held)        2179         6     3.00      .00      .00 
+ RES Hashtbl Latch (Lock)            1023         5     2.50      .00      .00 
+ WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Lock)            1         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ RES Hashtbl Latch (Unlock)           208         1      .50      .00      .00 
+ WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Unlock)          9         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ RES Hashtbl Latch (Chng)               0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Chng)            0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ RES Hashtbl Latch (Notify)             0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Notify CB Latch Cont.                  4         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ RES Hashtbl Latch (Compat)             3         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Compat)          0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ RES Hashtbl Latch (Async)              2         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Async)           0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Sync)            0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ RES Latch Cont. Counter                4         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ UseCnt for Compat QueElem              0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Num of Compat QEs Gened              631         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Generic Latch Cont.                   45         0      .00      .00      .00
+ RES Hashtbl Latch (Query)              0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Query)           0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Total Local Deadlocks                  0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Timeout RLBs Purged                    0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Retryable ABENDs                       0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Non Retryable ABENDs                   0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Suspend Exit Counter               88956       374   187.00      .00      .00
+ Resume Exit Counter                88956       374   187.00      .00      .00
+ Status Exit Counter                    0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Deadlock Exit Counter                  0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Timeout Exit Counter                   0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ -----------------------
+ Infrequently Used                      0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Global Authorization Cache             4         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ DDF Disconnect                         0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ SYSSTRING Cache                        0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ IRLM Data Sharing Exits                1         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Data Sharing Index Split               0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Index Lotch and OBD Alloc             10         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Query Parallelism                   6188         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Utilities or Stored Proc               3         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Allied Agent Chain or Seq Desc         7         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ DGTT Allocation                        0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Global Transaction ID Table         2980        23    11.50      .00      .00 
+ Pageset Operations                     0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Bufferpool LRU                    197499      3588  1794.00      .00      .00 
+ Archive Log Mode (Quiesce)             0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ UR Chain                               0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ RURE Chain                             0         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ DDF Resynch List                       2         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ Log Write                              2         0      .00      .00      .00 
+ System Checkpoint                      4         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Accounting Rollup                   6584         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Internal Checkpoint                    0         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Buffer Manager                    186828      2004  1002.00      .00      .00
+ EDMPool or Prefetch                18539       168    84.00      .00      .00
+ Workfile Allocation                 1282         2     1.00      .00      .00
+ Dynamic Statement Cache              472         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Stored Proc or Auth Cache             49         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Stored Proc or Auth Cache             16         0      .00      .00      .00
+ FieldProcs and DDF Trans Mgr         726         0      .00      .00      .00
+ Agent Services                      5569        40    20.00      .00      .00
+ Storage Manager                     3244        27    13.50      .00      .00
+ Storage Manager                     4401        12     6.00      .00      .00
+ Index Lotch                            3         0      .00      .00      .00


For additional information about
  • global lock information, select option B-GLOBAL LOCK STATISTICS at the top of the panel.
  • Near-term history activity, select option H-HISTORICAL at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


Collection Interval
Shows the REALTIME to indicate that you are looking at the realtime version of this panel and not at the corresponding near-term history panel. The collection interval and the report interval are the same in this panel.
The start time of the report interval currently displayed.
Report Interval
The time in the last cycle (for example, between two presses of the Enter key).
The end time of the report interval currently displayed.
For each of the following fields, the following statistics values are provided:
Total quantity, which reflects the amount of activities since DB2 was started.
Interval quantity, which reflects the amount of activities during the last cycle.
Rate per second during the last cycle. The number under /SECOND (in parentheses) is the number of seconds in the interval.
Rate per thread during the last cycle. The number under /THREAD (in parentheses) is the number of Create Threads during the interval.
Rate per Commit during the last cycle. The number under /COMMIT (in parentheses) is the number of commit requests (including abort requests) during the interval.
Lock manager information:
Deadlocks detected
The number of deadlocks detected.
Timeouts detected
Occasions when suspension of a unit of work lasted longer than the Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM) timeout value.
Susp detected - lock only
Suspensions of a unit of work because a lock could not be obtained.
Susp detected - latch only
Db2 internal latch suspensions.
Susp detected - other
Suspensions caused by something other than locks and latches.
Lock escalations - to shared
Occasions when the allowable number of locks per tablespace was exceeded, causing a page (IS) lock to escalate to a shared (S) lock.
Lock escalations - to exclusive
Occasions when the allowable number of locks per tablespace was exceeded, causing a page (ix) lock to escalate to an exclusive (x) lock.
Lock requests
Requests to IRLM to obtain a lock on a resource.
Unlock requests
Requests to IRLM to unlock a resource.
Query requests
Requests to IRLM to query a lock.
Change requests
Requests to IRLM to change a lock.
Other irlm requests
Requests to IRLM to perform a function other than those listed before.
Claim/drain information:
Claim requests
Number of claim requests.
Unsuccessful claim requests
Number of unsuccessful claim requests.
Drain requests
Number of drain requests.
Unsuccessful drain requests
Number of unsuccessful drain requests.
Secondary Latch Cont. Counters:
Main Latch Cont. (Held)
Main latch contention due to Main latch held.
Main Latch Cont. (UseCnt)
Main latch contention due to Use Count not being 0.
Secondary Latch Cont. (Held)
Secondary latch contention due to Main latch held.
RES Hashtbl Latch (Lock)
Resource Hash Table latch contention for LOCK.
WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Lock)
Workunit Hash Table latch contention for LOCK.
RES Hashtbl Latch (Unlock)
Resource Hash Table latch contention for UNLOCK.
RES Hashtbl Latch (Chng)
Resource Hash Table latch contention for CHANGE.
WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Chng)
Workunit Hash Table latch contention for CHANGE.
RES Hashtbl Latch (Notify)
Resource Hash Table latch contention for NOTIFY.
Notify CB Latch Cont.
Notify Control Block latch contention for NOTIFY.
RES Hashtbl Latch (Compat)
Resource Hash Table latch contention for COMPAT.
WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Compat)
Workunit Hash Table latch contention for COMPAT.
RES Hashtbl Latch (Async)
Resource Hash Table latch contention for ASYNC LOCK.
WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Async)
Workunit Hash Table latch contention for ASYNC LOCK.
WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Sync)
Workunit Hash Table latch contention for SYNC.
RES Latch Cont. Counter
Resource latch contention counter.
UseCnt for Compat QueElem
Use Count counter for Compat QEs (Queue Elemecreated to perform compatibility check of a wrequest following a lock grant/deny) in IRLM.
Num of Compat QEs Gened
The number of Compat QEs generated.
Generic Latch Cont.
Generic latch contentions.
RES Hashtbl Latch (Query)
Resource Hash Table latch contention for QUERY FAST (Fastpath QUERY request types).
WKUNIT Hashtbl Latch (Query)
Workunit Hash Table latch contention for QUERY FAST.
Total Local Deadlocks
Total number of local deadlocks.
Timeout RLBs Purged
Timeout RLBs purged by IRLM.
Retryable ABENDs
Re-tryable ABENDs in IRLM.
Non Retryable ABENDs
Non re-tryable ABENDs in IRLM.
Suspend Exit Counter
Suspend Exit counter (The number of times a DBMS exit code was called).
Resume Exit Counter
Resume Exit counter.
Status Exit Counter
Status Exit counter.
Deadlock Exit Counter
Deadlock Exit counter.
Timeout Exit Counter
Timeout Exit counter.
Latch Counters:
Infrequently Used
This field is infrequently used.
Global Authorization Cache
The predominant latch usage is: Global authorization cache.
DDF Disconnect
The predominant latch usage is: DDF disconnect.
The predominant latch usage is: SYSSTRING cache.
IRLM Data Sharing Exits
The predominant latch usage is: IRLM data sharing exits or RLF.
Data Sharing Index Split
The predominant latch usage is: Data sharing index split.
Index Lotch and OBD Alloc
The predominant latch usage is: Index lotch and OBD allocation.
Query Parallelism
The predominant latch usage is: Query parallelism.
Utilities or Stored Proc
The predominant latch usage is: Utilities or stored procedure URIDs.
Allied Agent Chain or Seq Desc
The predominant latch usage is: Allied agent chain or sequence descriptors.
DGTT Allocation
The predominant latch usage is: DGTT allocation.
Global Transaction ID Table
The predominant latch usage is: Global transaction ID table.
Pageset Operations
The predominant latch usage is: Pageset operations.
Bufferpool LRU
The predominant latch usage is: Bufferpool LRU.
Archive Log Mode (Quiesce)
The predominant latch usage is: ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE).
UR Chain
The predominant latch usage is: UR chain.
RURE Chain
The predominant latch usage is: RURE chain.
DDF Resynch List
The predominant latch usage is: DDF resynch list.
Log Write
The predominant latch usage is: Log write.
System Checkpoint
The predominant latch usage is: System checkpoint.
Accounting Rollup
The predominant latch usage is: Accounting rollup.
Internal Checkpoint
The predominant latch usage is: Internal checkpoint.
Buffer Manager
The predominant latch usage is: Buffer manager.
EDMPool or Prefetch
The predominant latch usage is: EDM pool or prefetch.
Workfile Allocation
The predominant latch usage is: Workfile allocation.
Dynamic Statement Cache
The predominant latch usage is: Dynamic statement cache.
Stored Proc or Auth Cache
The predominant latch usage is: Stored procedures or authorization cache.
Stored Proc or Auth Cache (QVLSLC27)
The predominant latch usage is: Stored procedures or authorization cache.
Stored Proc or Auth Cache (QVLSLC28)
The predominant latch usage is: Stored procedures or authorization cache.
FieldProcs and DDF Trans Mgr
The predominant latch usage is: Field procs and DDF transaction manager.
Agent Services
The predominant latch usage is: Agent services.
Storage Manager (QVLSLC31)
The predominant latch usage is: Storage manager.
Storage Manager (QVLSLC32)
The predominant latch usage is: Storage manager.
Index Lotch
The predominant latch usage is: Index lotch.